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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - CVG: Star Ocean: Last Hope review - 5.9

sounds like a fanboy driven review to me.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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reaver_x said:
darthdevidem01 said:
LordMatrix said:
You can never go off of a review scores especially with JRPG titles most are terribly reviewed.

Because most of them ARE terrible, in fact this is a common misconception, especially on vg chartz.

JRPG's are well reviewed, many of them are......FF, Persona, DQ, Valkyria Chronicles, Lost Oddesy

The ones that are actually bad aren't reviewed well like any game & this gen JRPG standards have been pretty bad, thats because the JRPG that rules them all & the one that always sets the bar for quality isn't out yet.

ive only seen 3 games this gen that are really terrible(TLR, IU, BD) as for this game it was more of a mixed opinion. Some ppl loved it some hated it(personally i didnt think it was dat bad). And to all the idiots that say JRPG's are msotly terrible, really needs to go and play persona, VC, FF, DQ, LO, TOV...oh and ALL those JRPG's that are on the NDS right now that are kicking some serious ass

IU and Blue Dragon are better than this game.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Fitting score. The combat was okay, but everything else was...blah! It's better than 'Till end of Time, if that's saying anything.

I don't understand the hate TLR gets, I installed it on my HD and have not had any noticeable issues. The game makes things more difficult by design (not able to heal when you want to etc.) but at least it is different. Once, you accept what the developers were trying to do it is a fun game. The story may be generic but then nothing is ever original, it is always some variant of save the world or save yourself.

Getting back to the point this reviewer is the reason X360 shouldn't get any JRPGs he doesn't understand OR like them. Star Ocean is NOT about ultra realistic looking models with morality choices. It is a more traditional eastern role playing game with a more linear story.

A JRPG should never be confused or compared with WRPGs as they are two different beasts with different ideologies. WRPGs in general are about choose your own adventure with several shades of gray for morality whereas JRPGs are more linear, typically with a distinct black and white morality. There may have been some deviations but for teh most part this is true (IMHO).

I understand a review is someone's opinion but if they don't understand the genre they should STFU. The point about stats working in the background is asinine at best as even in an FPS the stats are always there, maybe not what level the character is or what his accuracy at that range is etc. but other stats like the gun someone is holding and what its accuracy is etc. there is usually a random element added to it as well.


Hey, at least this game is better than Cross Edge.

Around the Network
Cactus said:
Sadly, I agree with pretty much everything the reviewer said.

Star Ocean 3 dissapointed me after SO2, but I still consider it to be a good game. This game pretty much ruined tri-ace's credibility for me.

Couldn't agree more.

I just posted this yesterday about my thoughts on the game, they pretty much mirror what's been said here:

I'm really not enjoying this game. I'm on Disc 3 and am finding it difficult to get motivated to complete it. The dialogue is cheesy, the entire game is inexplicably bright, the story is okay and the voice acting ranges from good to incredibly annoying.

I especially dislike whenever there is a turning point for any given character or the group is about act/embark on a certain mission, they always each have a motivational one liner to deliver... the dialogue is just that awful. The entire game is one cliche after another.

It's one saving grace is it's good battle system. Unfortunately, it's somewhat marred with a horrid targeting mechanic.

My advice, get Tales of Vesperia if you haven't already. Much better in every aspect than this...

I was hopeful too, after enjoying SO 1 & 2 so much on PSP and hoping they'd rebound after SO3

Garamond said:
Hey, at least this game is better than Cross Edge.

Haha. That isn't saying much, though.

But, yes, I agree.

Garamond said:
Hey, at least this game is better than Cross Edge.

It's not easy task to find game worse than Cross Edge :)


Zlejedi said:
Garamond said:
Hey, at least this game is better than Cross Edge.

It's not easy task to find game worse than Cross Edge :)

Maybe one day, the 360 can get an exclusive JRPG just as bad as Cross Edge. Until then, there's Too Human.

Garamond said:
Zlejedi said:
Garamond said:
Hey, at least this game is better than Cross Edge.

It's not easy task to find game worse than Cross Edge :)

Maybe one day, the 360 can get an exclusive JRPG just as bad as Cross Edge. Until then, there's Too Human.

Well if you count strategy RPG's as JRPG's (which I do) you can have a fight between Cross Edge vs. Operation Darkness and Zoids Assault.

The battle to determine the worst RPG of the gen.
