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I don't understand the hate TLR gets, I installed it on my HD and have not had any noticeable issues. The game makes things more difficult by design (not able to heal when you want to etc.) but at least it is different. Once, you accept what the developers were trying to do it is a fun game. The story may be generic but then nothing is ever original, it is always some variant of save the world or save yourself.

Getting back to the point this reviewer is the reason X360 shouldn't get any JRPGs he doesn't understand OR like them. Star Ocean is NOT about ultra realistic looking models with morality choices. It is a more traditional eastern role playing game with a more linear story.

A JRPG should never be confused or compared with WRPGs as they are two different beasts with different ideologies. WRPGs in general are about choose your own adventure with several shades of gray for morality whereas JRPGs are more linear, typically with a distinct black and white morality. There may have been some deviations but for teh most part this is true (IMHO).

I understand a review is someone's opinion but if they don't understand the genre they should STFU. The point about stats working in the background is asinine at best as even in an FPS the stats are always there, maybe not what level the character is or what his accuracy at that range is etc. but other stats like the gun someone is holding and what its accuracy is etc. there is usually a random element added to it as well.