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Cactus said:
Sadly, I agree with pretty much everything the reviewer said.

Star Ocean 3 dissapointed me after SO2, but I still consider it to be a good game. This game pretty much ruined tri-ace's credibility for me.

Couldn't agree more.

I just posted this yesterday about my thoughts on the game, they pretty much mirror what's been said here:

I'm really not enjoying this game. I'm on Disc 3 and am finding it difficult to get motivated to complete it. The dialogue is cheesy, the entire game is inexplicably bright, the story is okay and the voice acting ranges from good to incredibly annoying.

I especially dislike whenever there is a turning point for any given character or the group is about act/embark on a certain mission, they always each have a motivational one liner to deliver... the dialogue is just that awful. The entire game is one cliche after another.

It's one saving grace is it's good battle system. Unfortunately, it's somewhat marred with a horrid targeting mechanic.

My advice, get Tales of Vesperia if you haven't already. Much better in every aspect than this...

I was hopeful too, after enjoying SO 1 & 2 so much on PSP and hoping they'd rebound after SO3