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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony fans/supporters it's time to put Megaman.2.'s nonsense to rest!

CGI-Quality said:
Kzoellner said:
I, just because i dont like ppl in general ha

Unless their name is CGI-Quality of course.....

Of course!  Remember what I have said before.  You are my hero

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Hes actually very entertaining, If he does something bad he will get banned for it. Untill then if you dont like him id suggest not going into one of his threads.

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

So whos the Sony leader?

Gilgamesh said:

So whos the Sony leader?

You are of course.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Gilgamesh said:

So whos the Sony leader?

I am now the undisputed sony leader!

<embed src="" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="198" height="135">

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Gilgamesh said:

So whos the Sony leader?

You were our first choice (but we know thats impossible becouse ur a mod)

But "CGI" would make a fine leader

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)


You are a good man

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

nen-suer said:
Gilgamesh said:

So whos the Sony leader?

You were our first choice (but we know thats impossible becouse ur a mod)

But "CGI" would make a fine leader

I'm a Game Database Administer not a mod :)


So its possible?

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

I don't see why not, I like my Sony products :D