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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft are still in the lead, but this is a wonderful E3 all around.

johnsobas said:
right so the mario games are rehashes but crackdown 2, L4D2, forza 3, and MGS are not.

Not at all.  I said that the Mario games are huge.

But Nintendo didn't do anything this E3 they haven't already done this generation, Microsoft did (more than anyone has done so far).

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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johnsobas said:
right so the mario games are rehashes but crackdown 2, L4D2, forza 3, and MGS are not.

Since there has been about 1000 games with Mario in it and like 100 Mario games (over-exaggerating but you get the idea) then yes, it is re-hashing the same idea!

As the guy from The Escapist said, beating a dead horse etc etc... lol

I found Nintendo's conference pretty boring until SMG2 came in to at least save it. Other than that and Metroid I kept asking myself "Where in hell is all of Nintendo's money going?"

I'm sure many will say I'm biased for the 360 so I think Microsoft's conference was better because of that but that simply isn't the reason why I think it was better. There was nothing at Nintendo's conference that had me as interested as Natal. There were no games that impressed me like the character model climbing the mountain at the start of Modern Warfare 2. When Kojima came on stage I laughed but there was nothing like that at Nintendo's show. Even when I was watching the parachuting for Wii Sports Resort  I was thinking how much more amazing it could be with Natal and realistic graphics (think of facing the camera as facing the ground in the game...).

They did show some games but it's very obvious now that their core franchise are playing second fiddle. I mean they even put down Mario when they  introduced Wii Fit Plus. If people think Nintendo won the show it's surprising in my book since to me it looked like they weren't even trying, which I don't think they will do until they're forced to.

starcraft said:
johnsobas said:
right so the mario games are rehashes but crackdown 2, L4D2, forza 3, and MGS are not.

Not at all.  I said that the Mario games are huge.

But Nintendo didn't do anything this E3 they haven't already done this generation, Microsoft did (more than anyone has done so far).

A Ninja Gaiden/GoW-esqe Metroid game isn't new?  Did you watch it at all?

I've got them tied right now with the edge for Ninty. All I'm saying though is MS and Ninty made this E3 already awesome. Sony better bring it or this will be bad.

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In your opinion that is. I like many others however think Nintedo's was superior.

matt247 said:
Nintendo's presentation was pretty boring, the crowd wasn't into it. The Team Ninja Metroid was a huge suprise.

Whil I agree the shock factor was there, this is team ninja without Itagaki and 20 other key people...I'd be worried for the Metroid name if I was a nintendo fan.

Words Of Wisdom said:
starcraft said:
johnsobas said:
right so the mario games are rehashes but crackdown 2, L4D2, forza 3, and MGS are not.

Not at all.  I said that the Mario games are huge.

But Nintendo didn't do anything this E3 they haven't already done this generation, Microsoft did (more than anyone has done so far).

A Ninja Gaiden/GoW-esqe Metroid game isn't new?  Did you watch it at all?

Yes I did.  It offers gameplay tweaks certainly, and looks fantastic.  But it's Metroid, much the same.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

To be honest i think both of the conferences were just ok. Not of them were breath taking. The best thing that has come out of e3 so far is that MS cam thing boy that you talk to. but i bet you that that was scripted. It wasnt done of the fly.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Sony never do surprises, they just show off tons of great first party games.
Thats what you should expect from them