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I found Nintendo's conference pretty boring until SMG2 came in to at least save it. Other than that and Metroid I kept asking myself "Where in hell is all of Nintendo's money going?"

I'm sure many will say I'm biased for the 360 so I think Microsoft's conference was better because of that but that simply isn't the reason why I think it was better. There was nothing at Nintendo's conference that had me as interested as Natal. There were no games that impressed me like the character model climbing the mountain at the start of Modern Warfare 2. When Kojima came on stage I laughed but there was nothing like that at Nintendo's show. Even when I was watching the parachuting for Wii Sports Resort  I was thinking how much more amazing it could be with Natal and realistic graphics (think of facing the camera as facing the ground in the game...).

They did show some games but it's very obvious now that their core franchise are playing second fiddle. I mean they even put down Mario when they  introduced Wii Fit Plus. If people think Nintendo won the show it's surprising in my book since to me it looked like they weren't even trying, which I don't think they will do until they're forced to.