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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft are still in the lead, but this is a wonderful E3 all around.

disolitude said:
matt247 said:
Nintendo's presentation was pretty boring, the crowd wasn't into it. The Team Ninja Metroid was a huge suprise.

Whil I agree the shock factor was there, this is team ninja without Itagaki and 20 other key people...I'd be worried for the Metroid name if I was a nintendo fan.

I agree.  Some of the same people that bashed Rare when some of the key talent left will probably be some of the same people excited for this game.

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johnsobas said:
right so the mario games are rehashes but crackdown 2, L4D2, forza 3, and MGS are not.

what did Cammie say, that mario had been in over 200 games...  Yeah, I would call them rehashes... doesn't change the fact that I'm very excited about NSMB Wii, not so much MG2.

kowenicki said:
I think I shall do something I never do to watch the sony one.... go into HOME.

i thoguth it showed up in home like 2 hours later or something like that?

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

I'm giving this to Nintendo for the New 3rd person Metroid. I was not expecting it and did not like MP 3 for control issues. So Fucking amazing to see my babe Samus back in a way I haven't enjoyed since SNES.

kowenicki said:
agreed... MS>>>Ninty so far.

can someone please explain that finger thing?!?

It measures the blood pressure which gives an indication of how stressed/relaxed you are and can then turn up/down the difficulty accordingly.

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Serious_frusting said:
To be honest i think both of the conferences were just ok. Not of them were breath taking. The best thing that has come out of e3 so far is that MS cam thing boy that you talk to. but i bet you that that was scripted. It wasnt done of the fly.

lol, nah it was real.  Some of the journalists have already had some hands on time with it.  You should check out what they say.

One thing that really stuck out with me as being superior for Microsoft's conference was how they brought out the developers for the third-party games they showed.

I loved MSs conference. Splinter Cell was it for me. Looks great.

Nintendo was okay, terrible pacing, but good announcements.

It's up to Sony to combine pacing with an onslaught of announcements to win.

I'd rate them

Nintendo C+
Microsoft B+

Sorry, I don't agree. Nintendo has the best conference as of now. New 2.5D Metroid was completely out of left field and the Metroid Fan in me went into ecstasy. MS conference was good, but Project Natal was OK (besides the Milo project, that was awesome) and they showed alot of good multi plats and Alan wake and Splinter Cell were great. I think it's safe to say that Sony won't out perform Nintendo, but let's see if they can out perform MS.

It's personal preference for the games shown, personally Nintendo's is far more for me. 3rd Person Metroid and SMG2 is huge. Wii Sports Resort actually looks amazing, and I'm gonna have to get it. The only real game from Microsoft that I'm excited for is L4D2.

Microsoft had the better conference overall though because of Project Natal, because that is a huge announcement, but once you get passed the obvious issues of how practical and successful it will and wont be, even that announcement wears off.

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