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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo E3 Conference Thread

scottie said:
Then people would bitch about the lack of new IP :P

I don't know why people complain on Nintendo about that, it's not their fault that thay have around 100 great franchises already, it's kinda hard coming up with new ones then

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

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well i would love to see a trailer or something for a new Fire Emblem. DS or Wii don't care, just be a new one and not remake.

And obvious Zelda, favorite franchise of all time. Oh and about the Mario game, I hope it is more land oriented and not so much flying through the air to different small planets all the time.

And ha damn at finally seeing yesterday what Alan Wake was, man that would be a sweet type of game for the Wii, the whole super dark and dreary atmosphere with only a flashlight as majority of light. we need games like that. hell doom 3 should have gotten ported to Wii.

hoping the new mario game isn't a paper mario, or if it is, it goes back to the older style versus the Wii paper mario. didn't like that one.

Pokemon MMO, i can dream can't i

Ari_Gold said:
nordlead said:
Ari_Gold said:

Sin & Punishment 2 and Punch out were not predictable, but theyre not megatons.

I'll agree with that. Nintendo is by no means predictable. However, I don't think nintendo could make a new IP and have it be a "megaton" for Nintendo there are only 2 ways for it to be a megaton.

1) Zelda/Mario/other major 1st party IP

2) Steal a HD game and make it Wii exclusive.

#2 is very unlikely to happen, but could with the next GTA game possibly, or they could announce Kingdom Hearts 3. Other than that I agree, probably no megaton other than first party software, but hopefully lots of things no one ever expected.

They'll probably show off Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, which should be really cool to watch.

I believe #2 would be a megaton, GTA 4 or RE5 for wii would be nuts. #1 not rlly, if people in vgchartz didn't think a new Halo game, and a new MGS game for 360 were megatons, why would a new zelda or mario game be a megaton?

Don't ask me. I think a new Halo Game and a new MGS game for X360 is huge news. Nothing we knew anything about and totally cool. I'm not a fan of either game so you own't see me hyping it. Rumors had a MGS4 port, but I think a spinoff is better personally so long as it is high quality which I expect from Kojima.

However, last time Zelda was announced at E3 the internet exploded. Also, it was pretty cool Miyamoto jumping on stage with a sword and sheild

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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I want a real Starfox for Wii.
i.e. no third person missions with a gun waving Fox Mcloud.
And I hope that at this E3 it will be unveiled where Kingdom Hearts 3 will go to...

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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i want 2D remakes of sequels for wiiware or DS of Metroid or Zelda

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So a Mario in 2D is the super BIG surprise Nintendo have for this E3?? Then I feel quite disappointing. If it was NSMB 2 for DS I would consider it normal, but call 'megaton' to a Mario 2D for the Wii.....
I really expect they announce something else, somethng really big like others companies have been doing. Mario Bros 2D Wii and Pikmin 3 is not enough to resolve what they did last year.

So what livestream are y'all planning to use?

Is that woman presenting again? It will be annoying if she is

I dont have a Wii but I would like to see a new Zelda or Mario game. Core gamers are people too, you know?

well Nintendo is the only company wish all these huge beloved series and mythos on videogaming so I don't see why is bad to show more of these. These are great games and well made and we all know that we are going to have fun and love them.

But yeah I bet that if they show a HD game on the wii it would be a big shock nonetheless. For better or worse.

I plan on seeing on Gamespot or IGN. Yesterday, IGN did not work for me. And Gamespot took a few minutes to start, but once it did it was perfect.