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Ari_Gold said:
nordlead said:
Ari_Gold said:

Sin & Punishment 2 and Punch out were not predictable, but theyre not megatons.

I'll agree with that. Nintendo is by no means predictable. However, I don't think nintendo could make a new IP and have it be a "megaton" for Nintendo there are only 2 ways for it to be a megaton.

1) Zelda/Mario/other major 1st party IP

2) Steal a HD game and make it Wii exclusive.

#2 is very unlikely to happen, but could with the next GTA game possibly, or they could announce Kingdom Hearts 3. Other than that I agree, probably no megaton other than first party software, but hopefully lots of things no one ever expected.

They'll probably show off Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, which should be really cool to watch.

I believe #2 would be a megaton, GTA 4 or RE5 for wii would be nuts. #1 not rlly, if people in vgchartz didn't think a new Halo game, and a new MGS game for 360 were megatons, why would a new zelda or mario game be a megaton?

Don't ask me. I think a new Halo Game and a new MGS game for X360 is huge news. Nothing we knew anything about and totally cool. I'm not a fan of either game so you own't see me hyping it. Rumors had a MGS4 port, but I think a spinoff is better personally so long as it is high quality which I expect from Kojima.

However, last time Zelda was announced at E3 the internet exploded. Also, it was pretty cool Miyamoto jumping on stage with a sword and sheild

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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