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Portugal, sonyland.

Right now, due to the price and although massively publicized, PS3 might have some problems after launch. 360 might benefit because Wii is not well represented here (There are no official Nintendo offices in Portugal).

 From what I talk with friends my age (30-40), there are a lot of old-gamers (pc adventures, arcades, spectrum) attracted again to games with the wii, because of its social and casual gamers approach, now that they have families.

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I'm from Goiânia, Brazil. Videogames are too expensive here. The price of the 'official' consoles are nonsense (I converted from Real to Dollar):

Wii - U$S 1200

PS3 - U$S 2200

Xbox 360 - U$S 2000

I wiil probably buy my Wii from Mercado Livre, which is a virtual auction. There, Wii is costing kind of U$S 600.

It sounds good when you say "For the People", but what you really want is... a stronger army than the Knights, and the evil power to control the people.

(Ramza Beoulve, Final Fantasy Tactics)

Kaio_felipe said:

I'm from Goiânia, Brazil. Videogames are too expensive here. The price of the 'official' consoles are nonsense (I converted from Real to Dollar):

Wii - U$S 1200

PS3 - U$S 2200

Xbox 360 - U$S 2000

I wiil probably buy my Wii from Mercado Livre, which is a virtual auction. There, Wii is costing kind of U$S 600.

Damn and I thought EU get screwed...




Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!

Oops, correcting - Xbox 360 is 1500 dollars. But it is still very high.

There are some rumours that Nintendo may release officially Wii here, which would low the prices. But I'm not very confident, because Microsoft also released X360 officially, but for 1500 $!!! I know that the console comes with 3 games (Kameo, Project Gotham Racing 3 e Perfect Dark Zero), but nothing justify this price.

It sounds good when you say "For the People", but what you really want is... a stronger army than the Knights, and the evil power to control the people.

(Ramza Beoulve, Final Fantasy Tactics)

I'm from Finland, where the winters are freakishly cold and summers warm. We had -39.9 C in February and +17.5 C in March. Probably more than +30 in summer. Nokia's N-Gage wasn't popular even here in Finland. Xbox/360 does pretty well, Wii better. PS2 is popular, PS3 not that much. To spice up the PS3 launch show, there was an adult entertainment show with girls playing with toys, but that didn't save the day for Sony Finland. I guess that's pretty rare around the world, but we're very open to nudity here in Finland and the women are beautiful, so nudists, feel welcome to come to Finland. The annual Sexhibition Show is held 13-14 April this year in Helsinki. If you're brave and come in the winter-time, you can go ice-swimming, which is a very popular pastime. The ice-swimming Olympics were held in a -20 C weather and there were a few frostbites, but nothing serious. Saunas are warmed around year. The Sauna World Championship contests are held in late summer. The sauna is warmed to +110 celsius and then it's a matter of mind over matter.

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hey yule, do you see the aurora borealis from there? i would love to see that and i saw a movie where a couple would go to finland to see it.

r2007 said:
hey yule, do you see the aurora borealis from there? i would love to see that and i saw a movie where a couple would go to finland to see it.

Only in the wintertime, because it's bright all day around in summer. There's a lot more northern lights in Northern Finland than here in South Finland. I've seen maybe a couple of aurora borealis this winter. I guess they had them on daily basis in the north. If you are interested in going to Lapland in winter, I suggest visiting the Snow Castle of Kemi. It has a hotel made of ice and snow. Here's a couple of pics:

(notice the Nintendo play room )

wow, lack of representation from the Land Down Under I'm from Melbourne, Australia. We're in the middle of the largest drought we've seen in a long time. Let's not mention we get screwed over here when it comes to gaming (market too small)

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

i'd love to visit Sweden and/or finland. 30 doesn't so bad, actually. The summers here where I am in California get up to like 40 sometimes. i think the hottest it got was like 42 (that's about 105 degrees F for all you Americans out there!). Right now we're having the most wonderful spring. ~20-23 degrees C and sunny

I'm from Holland... mooi land...