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I'm from Finland, where the winters are freakishly cold and summers warm. We had -39.9 C in February and +17.5 C in March. Probably more than +30 in summer. Nokia's N-Gage wasn't popular even here in Finland. Xbox/360 does pretty well, Wii better. PS2 is popular, PS3 not that much. To spice up the PS3 launch show, there was an adult entertainment show with girls playing with toys, but that didn't save the day for Sony Finland. I guess that's pretty rare around the world, but we're very open to nudity here in Finland and the women are beautiful, so nudists, feel welcome to come to Finland. The annual Sexhibition Show is held 13-14 April this year in Helsinki. If you're brave and come in the winter-time, you can go ice-swimming, which is a very popular pastime. The ice-swimming Olympics were held in a -20 C weather and there were a few frostbites, but nothing serious. Saunas are warmed around year. The Sauna World Championship contests are held in late summer. The sauna is warmed to +110 celsius and then it's a matter of mind over matter.