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Forums - General Discussion - Where are you from?

If you're from Holland why does it say United Kingdom in you're profile? I am truly from Holland :P

This profile is no longer in use, see my other profile *~Onna76~*

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I'm 21 yearsold..and I'm from Italy

i like how you listed "wii-ing" as your hobby X-D


by the way, how do french people prounounce "Wii?"


Do they pronounce it as in "We" like when saying "Oui" or do they say "Vii," since the W makes a V sound in some languages?

I asked my friend about French stuff and he laughed at me (since I assumed in France, Apple the company would be called "Pomme" or like Windows XP would be changed to "Fenetres XP")


omgwtfbbq said:
wow, lack of representation from the Land Down Under I'm from Melbourne, Australia. We're in the middle of the largest drought we've seen in a long time. Let's not mention we get screwed over here when it comes to gaming (market too small)

 Could have sworn I already replied to this thread, but upon checking the posts.. but have been another thread ;)

Im also from Australia, Melbourne. Not enough Wii's (no story there), and we generally get screwed on prices + our 10% GST/VAT. But at least our income taxes have dropped... to around the 30% mark :P

PS: One of my mates from here moved to Sweden recently, and he is loving it. Working for Nokia.. (myself and most mates work/worked for games companies...). I'd love to visit more of Europe sometime soon, but probably won't be for another year at least. 

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

shams said:
omgwtfbbq said:
wow, lack of representation from the Land Down Under I'm from Melbourne, Australia. We're in the middle of the largest drought we've seen in a long time. Let's not mention we get screwed over here when it comes to gaming (market too small)

Could have sworn I already replied to this thread, but upon checking the posts.. but have been another thread ;)

Im also from Australia, Melbourne. Not enough Wii's (no story there), and we generally get screwed on prices + our 10% GST/VAT. But at least our income taxes have dropped... to around the 30% mark :P

PS: One of my mates from here moved to Sweden recently, and he is loving it. Working for Nokia.. (myself and most mates work/worked for games companies...). I'd love to visit more of Europe sometime soon, but probably won't be for another year at least.

you haven't been looking very hard have you? EB in Melbourne Central has had Wiis in stock for at least a week now (although they don't seem to be advertising the fact, they just have a little sign in the Wii section.) I haven't really looked around many other places.

Accessories are pretty rare to come across though.

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

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I am from Sweden known for Ikea, Abba,high taxes and the babes. We have cold winters but not bad as Finland and Norway and our summers are warm. This country is PC/PS2 land many people have the ps2. But everyone have the PC, computer games is really big here. PS3,360 are available everywhere and Wii is a little easier to find now but its still sold out in many places.. PS3 cost 860-900$, It usually takes 6months for consoles to drop much in prices here. The 360 lost 100$ price after 8 months and after a year almost 150$. 360 Premium cost 430-460$, 360 cost almost 600$ when it was released here. Core cost less then the Wii. Wii cost 350-380$, many stores tried to trick people with higher prices because of the demand.

Yojimbo said:
I am from Sweden known for Ikea, Abba,high taxes and the babes. We have cold winters but not bad as Finland and Norway and our summers are warm. This country is PC/PS2 land many people have the ps2. But everyone have the PC, computer games is really big here. PS3,360 are available everywhere and Wii is not that hard to find either. PS3 cost 860-900$, It usually takes 6months for consoles to drop much in prices here. The 360 lost 100$ price after 8 months and after a year almost 150$. 360 Premium cost 430-460$, 360 cost almost 600$ when it was released here. Core cost less then the Wii. Wii cost 350-380$, many stores tried to trick people with higher prices because of the demand.
Is it not? Damn I really would like to know which city you are from. Gothenburg seems to be quit hard yet to get one.




Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!

robjoh said:
Yojimbo said:
I am from Sweden known for Ikea, Abba,high taxes and the babes. We have cold winters but not bad as Finland and Norway and our summers are warm. This country is PC/PS2 land many people have the ps2. But everyone have the PC, computer games is really big here. PS3,360 are available everywhere and Wii is not that hard to find either. PS3 cost 860-900$, It usually takes 6months for consoles to drop much in prices here. The 360 lost 100$ price after 8 months and after a year almost 150$. 360 Premium cost 430-460$, 360 cost almost 600$ when it was released here. Core cost less then the Wii. Wii cost 350-380$, many stores tried to trick people with higher prices because of the demand.
Is it not? Damn I really would like to know which city you are from. Gothenburg seems to be quit hard yet to get one.


Have you looked at the small stores too? It was much harder to find Wii in Februari. The PS3/360 is everywhere but you can find the Wii if you try little harder. But I should change what I wrote :D



i live in Canary islands (near of Africa, but we belong to Spain), the weather incredible too, all the year is hot. This is a pro-sony place,(i think the 20% of ps3 in the launch of spain were sent to here) but the ps3 is not selling very well after launch, i have the wii and i like it very much, and here it becomes more and more succesfull, xbox360 i don't know, but here there arent many people who speak about it, so i don't think it is selling well.

PS:sorry for my english

i live in toulouse, southern france, with beautiful weather (22°C today, nice bbq), nice women and even better foreign exchange students and tourists coming from all over to meet us...