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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Microsoft E3 Conference Thread

So... what I gathered from the comments is that Nintendo is still the lead to follow :D?

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Avinash_Tyagi said:
slowmo said:
outlawauron said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
SHMUPGurus said:
How about you wait until the final product arrives at your home, in front of your TV, and you experience it yourself? I doubt they would ship a broken product, seriously

They made vista

Now that's just plain low. :/

There is an actual games division at Microsoft by the way.

lol, you kinda walked into that one.

Just to clarify, Vista worked exactly as it was intended to work so it could hardly be classed as broken.  Sure it had features that were disadvantages for many (UAC, Indexing) and it was slower than XP for gaming but it was never "broken".  I'm pretty safe in saying that you never ran Vista for more than a week on your PC Avinash_Tyagi.

I ran it for two weeks, then switched my laptop to Mandriva and my Destop back to XP, and yes it was broken from a user standpoint it was not user friendly, nor were the updates worth the extra resource hogging

I used it for 2 years and it was never broken, I setup a dual boot with XP when I installed it and have not used XP for over 18 months now on my PC.

Beoulve said:
This year's press conference was a huge leap over last year's IMHO.

Really? I don't know if any conference I've ever seen compares to last year's.

slowmo said:
outlawauron said:


I know you like his post, but is everyone who doesn't absolutely love their conference a troll? Seriously now.

And this is also funny news.

Kojima isn't making the 360 MGS.

We have people in here comparing low bit stream video and saying they look worse than other games.  There are people off hand writing off a technology before they've had chance to experience it themselves (which is necessary in a motion controller, see 2006 Wii threads).  There are people whinging about Halo games without any thought for others who maybe interested in them.  All in all yes the thread is full of trolls, if you choose to ignore them then fine that's your perogative.  Looking at most of this thread its quite apparant I must have watched a different presentation to half the posters.

I already know I'm not going to like Natal for gaming purposes. I play games to relax and take my mind off of things, and getting up and being very active while playing doesn't let me accomplish that goal.

The voice stuff and the interface nav looks cool and intutive.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

The MS show was amazing.

Not only was Forza 3 and SC Conviction confirmed for the 2009 lineup, but with Metal Gear Solid we stole the last big 3d party franchise that Sony had. MS franchise lineup is now complete.

No way Sony will top this (unless they announce a $100 price drop, then there's a lil chance). They'll just show God of War, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Ratchet, MAG - games we know so much about already.

You know your show is amazing when the opposing fans come with damage control and negative comments.

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I like how closed minded people are about this motion device. Of course it will not fit with current genres. Maybe some new ones need to be made. I also love how people criticize the lag about a product that still goes by a code name. LOL. At least ole Pete can see what this thing can become. Personally, I think this camera, plus a controller could rock balls. The soccer thing was neat on the video. Capturing the feet movement in 3D. Hell, this thing could emulate all the WiiFit games as of right now. With no extra peripherals needed. Also, no extra peripherals needed for more than one person. Buy one, as many people can play as can be programmed for. Need a real fitness game, here ya go. Make you do a real workout.

As for the other announcements:

Netflix - browse the selections without a pc. Awesome.

Radio service - Free for Gold members. Awesome.

Facebook - Lame

Twitter - Lame

1080p instant video - Have to see to believe

Halo: ODST - Looks like we are going to be getting a Horde like mode. = F'ing awesome.

Halo:Reach - Another Bungie Halo game about an incredibly massive battle. Awesome. Multiplayer beta invite with ODST - Awesome.

Alan Wake gameplay - Awesome. Nice lighting elements.

Forza 3 - Did I see a car flipping and wrecking? Awesome. Possible casualization - not awesome. Great Graphics.

Splinter Cell - Not sure about that one.

Crackdown 2 - Enemies stronger than you are...Awesome.

LFD2 - More goodness.

Natal - Has some very interesting possibilities. Depending on what developers can do with it. I have ideas already.

Well, that was interesting...

I did really like the way that they went through at the beginning, but by the end I wanted to kill myself. I just didn't care about the Natal. The technology behind it is amazing in many ways, but I just have no interest in getting any of those games. I also did really not like the way they just got on celebrities to waste time, and the fact that Lionhead aren't making proper games any more...

In terms of games, I was very impressed with Splinter Cell. I really liked the way that stuff was projected on the wall, but I hate stealth games. Alan Wake also looked good, but again, I don't care because I hate horror games. Modern Warfare 2 of course looked great, but I will get it on PS3. I am very surprised to see FF XIII on show, and very very happy for it to be out in Spring 2010, but again a PS3 buy for me

If the video stuff works, it will be very impressive, and Sky does not matter for me as I already have Sky, but it could become more important after I leave home. If the video on demand service works, it will be incredibly impressive

I don't care about that facebook stuff or twitter rubbish.

But a good conference overall, though I was not happy to see Kojima on stage

JaggedSac said:
I like how closed minded people are about this motion device. Of course it will not fit with current genres. Maybe some new ones need to be made. I also love how people criticize the lag about a product that still goes by a code name. LOL. At least ole Pete can see what this thing can become. Personally, I think this camera, plus a controller could rock balls. The soccer thing was neat on the video. Capturing the feet movement in 3D. Hell, this thing could emulate all the WiiFit games as of right now. With no extra peripherals needed. Also, no extra peripherals needed for more than one person. Buy one, as many people can play as can be programmed for. Need a real fitness game, here ya go. Make you do a real workout.

As for the other announcements:

Netflix - browse the selections without a pc. Awesome.

Radio service - Free for Gold members. Awesome.

Facebook - Lame

Twitter - Lame

1080p instant video - Have to see to believe

Halo: ODST - Looks like we are going to be getting a Horde like mode. = F'ing awesome.

Halo:Reach - Another Bungie Halo game about an incredibly massive battle. Awesome. Multiplayer beta invite with ODST - Awesome.

Alan Wake gameplay - Awesome. Nice lighting elements.

Forza 3 - Did I see a car flipping and wrecking? Awesome. Possible casualization - not awesome. Great Graphics.

Splinter Cell - Not sure about that one.

Crackdown 2 - Enemies stronger than you are...Awesome.

LFD2 - More goodness.

Natal - Has some very interesting possibilities. Depending on what developers can do with it. I have ideas already.

This sums up what I think too. Though I would say that SC: C looks really good, its just the game interface that worries me. I wonder how accessible it'll be or what kind of gameplay it'll have because I wasn't sure exactly if/when the guy was interacting and when/if the game was playing itself.

Oh yeah I gotta add the SKY announcement, pure WIN! Seriously people, if it comes to NZ I will be in there.


SlumsofOhio said:
Sony and Nintendo have to pull out everything they got to beat this conference.


I've been watching E3 shows for many many years now and THIS Microsoft/360 one is the most exciting one I have EVER seen, soo many new games, features, innovations, the new camera makes the wii look old tech,

And adding companies like Facebook, LastFM, Twitter, Sky is genious as it will open the 360 to millions of potential new buyers, NOTHING will touch MS's E3 show, mark my words, nothing Nintendo do and certainly not Sony will be better than MS's!


P.S, Sony fanboys are SOOOO funny in this thread slagging everything off, wait till sony's tomorrow and you will see how they compare, sony will be the laughing stock at E3......

Avinash_Tyagi said:
I think Nintendo is breathing a sigh of relief after seeing NATAL in action, that was about as lame as I thought it would be

You seriously need to get banned for flamming/trolling all the MS threads, gets boring after your 20th post of crap.....