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I like how closed minded people are about this motion device. Of course it will not fit with current genres. Maybe some new ones need to be made. I also love how people criticize the lag about a product that still goes by a code name. LOL. At least ole Pete can see what this thing can become. Personally, I think this camera, plus a controller could rock balls. The soccer thing was neat on the video. Capturing the feet movement in 3D. Hell, this thing could emulate all the WiiFit games as of right now. With no extra peripherals needed. Also, no extra peripherals needed for more than one person. Buy one, as many people can play as can be programmed for. Need a real fitness game, here ya go. Make you do a real workout.

As for the other announcements:

Netflix - browse the selections without a pc. Awesome.

Radio service - Free for Gold members. Awesome.

Facebook - Lame

Twitter - Lame

1080p instant video - Have to see to believe

Halo: ODST - Looks like we are going to be getting a Horde like mode. = F'ing awesome.

Halo:Reach - Another Bungie Halo game about an incredibly massive battle. Awesome. Multiplayer beta invite with ODST - Awesome.

Alan Wake gameplay - Awesome. Nice lighting elements.

Forza 3 - Did I see a car flipping and wrecking? Awesome. Possible casualization - not awesome. Great Graphics.

Splinter Cell - Not sure about that one.

Crackdown 2 - Enemies stronger than you are...Awesome.

LFD2 - More goodness.

Natal - Has some very interesting possibilities. Depending on what developers can do with it. I have ideas already.