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Well, that was interesting...

I did really like the way that they went through at the beginning, but by the end I wanted to kill myself. I just didn't care about the Natal. The technology behind it is amazing in many ways, but I just have no interest in getting any of those games. I also did really not like the way they just got on celebrities to waste time, and the fact that Lionhead aren't making proper games any more...

In terms of games, I was very impressed with Splinter Cell. I really liked the way that stuff was projected on the wall, but I hate stealth games. Alan Wake also looked good, but again, I don't care because I hate horror games. Modern Warfare 2 of course looked great, but I will get it on PS3. I am very surprised to see FF XIII on show, and very very happy for it to be out in Spring 2010, but again a PS3 buy for me

If the video stuff works, it will be very impressive, and Sky does not matter for me as I already have Sky, but it could become more important after I leave home. If the video on demand service works, it will be incredibly impressive

I don't care about that facebook stuff or twitter rubbish.

But a good conference overall, though I was not happy to see Kojima on stage