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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - if only nintendo wouldnt make the same games over and over again

I don't mind that all their games have similar plots, they're still fun to me.

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Lets also not forget Hotel Dusk,Chibi Robo,Battalion wars,Advance Wars,Endless Ocean,Sin N punishment,Disaster Day of Crisis,the Art Style series etc etc.. The both Publish and develop New IP's all the time but people always seem to forget them for some reason.

thats not really true, there is always something new in the game. take LoZ: Twilight Princess, that had new weapons, areas, enemies, and the story didnt totally revolve around saving the princess. Yet i do have to admit that the story for mario has never really changed, but thats the way people like it. i know i wouldnt like if Nintendo completely changed the stories of their good games.

I guess what im saying is that Nintendo rarely changes anything because, no matter what it is, it always works and people will like it.


How can a cute kitten be so wrong? Nintendo makes 'gameplay games'. It's all about fun gameplay in a colorfull style. They said so themselves. And people love it more than ultra cheap crack, seriously.

Don't forget that Nintendo always adds something new and fresh to the mix of their IP's. They do experiment with their greatest IP's, which is something many developers barely dare.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Maynard_Tool said:
that applies to almost every company

Say hello to Sony Computer Entertaiment

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Ryudo said:
Lets also not forget Hotel Dusk,Chibi Robo,Battalion wars,Advance Wars,Endless Ocean,Sin N punishment,Disaster Day of Crisis,the Art Style series etc etc.. The both Publish and develop New IP's all the time but people always seem to forget them for some reason.

And we can't forget about Pikmin and Metroid Prime in the GC, Smash bros in the N64, etc.

Microsoft and Sony are new fish in this market yet, Nintendo is much more traditional and old, this is why we don't saw a lot of "God of war" yet, but like Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony will have new series.

Why are people responding seriously to this thread?

How technical is your game?

And I'm tired of Master Chiefs stupid motocross wannabe suit.
And I'm sick of Snakes tight pants.
And Chocobos, why not snails?
And why in God's name must Harry Potter wear glasses all the time???
And I also thinks that Resident Evil with zombies is sooo old.

How many play Mario for the story?

I know this is your opinions but while the main story in Zelda is slaying Ganon, saving Zelda, there is much, much, much in between. Though I like like the stories in Zelda the thing that makes me love those games are the exploration, the temples, riding a horse(or sailing) through a vast landscape.

I agree that it would be cool to play as Zero Suit Samus in a Metroid game but...her suit, that's her...suit. I don't know what to say :p

BladeOfGod said:
Maynard_Tool said:
that applies to almost every company

Say hello to Sony Computer Entertaiment

Yeah, Sony is included in the "almost every company" Don't worry, I'm aware of it

IxisNaugus said:

Why are people responding seriously to this thread?

So... should we all do the morally superior thing of posting facepalm pictures and mocking it instead?