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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will Nintendo cut the price of the Wii this holiday season?

They must cut the price sometime soon in order to meet their sales target of 26M. Didn't anyone else notice that Wii sales were half of what they were last April? If it was up to me I'd do it with the launch of WSR or maybe at E3.

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They must do something like DSi: make a Wii most powerful, with more ram, with and Hard disk, more graphical resolution, and selling it at 300$. Then the "classic" wii must be sold at 200$: all the people would be happy, and could buy the classic version for traditional games and the new for new and powerfull games!
Don't say I'm mad, this is what all world wants from Ninty, but no one wants to say!

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Xenoblade (Wii), Super mario 3D land (3DS), Guild Wars (PC)


Amazon UK are doing the Wii for £164.99 and WiiPlay for an extra tenner!? That's insane, I thought Nintendo had increased the price to retailers?

EDIT: And LBP for £9.99! Why is it so long till payday? :/

Nate said:
They must cut the price sometime soon in order to meet their sales target of 26M. Didn't anyone else notice that Wii sales were half of what they were last April? If it was up to me I'd do it with the launch of WSR or maybe at E3.

I doubt it.

First of all, the exchange rates are not favourable while this recession goes on, and it is most unlikely that they will cut so  as to make a loss on consoles. So, just possibly in Japan, but not anywhere else.

Secondly, a price cut would significantly increase demand - probably to above their current manufacturing capacity. Given the Japanese position they would be reluctant to increase capacity at present. So keeping sales flat is probably what they want to do.

Ofcourse, this is good news for E3 - because as others have pointed out they have something of a push to make their forecast on the current showing. So we can reasonably expect some kick-ass software to be announced that will boost the demand enough in the second half.




There is no point even debating this. Clearly they will not have a price drop until the Wii is available in at least White, Black, Red, Blue and possibly Pink as well

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the question is how cheap can the 360 get? That alone should predict Nintendo's move on a price drop and it can prob. get at least 50$ cheaper before anything exciting happens.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

megaman79 said:
the question is how cheap can the 360 get? That alone should predict Nintendo's move on a price drop and it can prob. get at least 50$ cheaper before anything exciting happens.

I don't think the 360 price matters or will have any impact. How much did the last 360 price drop hit Nintendo's holiday sales? Not at all.

The 360 just isn't in the same market and, unless it does something drastic in terms of image and control scheme, it won't be.



^its the only thing that will affect Wii sales, and its unlikely to affect them significantly enough for them to drop the price, but its possible if the 360 is maybe half the price of the wii.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

If the Wii has a pricecut this christmas, what would it do to a possible PS3 pricecut/slim?


phisheep said:
Nate said:
They must cut the price sometime soon in order to meet their sales target of 26M. Didn't anyone else notice that Wii sales were half of what they were last April? If it was up to me I'd do it with the launch of WSR or maybe at E3.

I doubt it.

First of all, the exchange rates are not favourable while this recession goes on, and it is most unlikely that they will cut so  as to make a loss on consoles. So, just possibly in Japan, but not anywhere else.

Secondly, a price cut would significantly increase demand - probably to above their current manufacturing capacity. Given the Japanese position they would be reluctant to increase capacity at present. So keeping sales flat is probably what they want to do.

Ofcourse, this is good news for E3 - because as others have pointed out they have something of a push to make their forecast on the current showing. So we can reasonably expect some kick-ass software to be announced that will boost the demand enough in the second half.




There's no software they can introduce that can keep demand high enough to push 26M IMO. The Wii has been selling at unprecedented levels & it can't be sustained without doing what every other console has done, which is eventually lower the price. Nintendo's profits have peaked for now, it's just that simple.