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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will Nintendo cut the price of the Wii this holiday season?

yeah in 2016 they'll drop it than

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
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The way the economy is
The rise of the yen (which ironicly is not good for the japanese market)
The fall of the pound/euro (either one) which forced nintendo to increase the price to keep profit up
The US dollar pretty weak still (though i dont know how low it is)

Mr. Iwata said it himself a few months ago about its not allways a good business move to drop the consoles price inorder to gain demand and profi, esp when the economy is in bad shape.

One thing i am certain FOR SURE is that soon nintendo will bring the players choice line to the wii and DS and bundle some games for both.

I agree with the color change idea. Currently, the wii is not really in need of a price cut. 250 is a pretty reasonable amount. Even the 360 isn't as cheap (entry level being 200 but the wifi adapter add on being 90+ if you get the wireless kind)

After 3 years on the market, Nintendo will probably try to do something to make the Wii seem like more of a value to attract the interest of people who have yet to buy a system. As much as I think price is one factor that they could use, I highly doubt that Nintendo would just reduce the price of the console.

Nintendo could try to boost the value of the system by increasing the bundling associated with the console. Accessories like the Wii Fit balance board, classic controller, Wii MotionPlus, and even additional controllers certainly add to the potential value of the system. Nintendo also has several first party games (The Legend of Zelda, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Party 8 and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves for example) which have been on the market for a couple of years and have hit a point where they have (easily) turned a healthy profit, and everyone who wanted to buy these games at full price will have already bought them; right now it would make sense for Nintendo to convert these games to budget priced titles, and (possibly) to give people the choice of one of these titles when they buy a new Wii system.

Nintendo can "change" the hardware of the system. While Sony and Microsoft get a bigger bang from moving to a smaller manufacturing process (because their CPU and GPU are larger portions of the cost of those consoles, and are also major factors why the systems are so large) Nintendo will get similar price and energy use reductions on their processors from moving to the 45nm process. It is possible that Nintendo could reduce a slim version of the Wii if they took advantage of a newer manufacturing process and a laptop DVD drive.

Finally, Nintendo could focus on the release of some big games for multiple demographic groups. While it is not Nintendo's style to release several big games in a quarter, it is entirely possible that Nintendo could have an unusually full quarter this holiday season and release several "must have" games for both core/conventional gamers as well as new/unconventional gamers.

They don't have a good reason to lower the price outside of Japan. you guys are forgetting the tales cult that exist in Japan with Tales of Graces later this year as well. although I don't think Arcrise Fantasia will move the Wii in Japan, it might move some units too. overall I doubt they'd reduce the price even in Japan.