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Forums - Sales Discussion - How important is it to you PS3 beats 360 in console sales war?

Couldn't care less.
Microsoft is now stronger than Sony in the gaming market, and it's not a bad thing.

Things changes. Yesterday it was Playstation, today it's Nintendo.
Tomorrow, Microsoft?

Who knows...


My Gaming Setup

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BenVTrigger said:
I would agree that the 360 had a WAY too high failure rate no doubt but thats come down alot. Also they got on the ball at least and fixed everyone's repairs for free. Plus you get free stuff the very first time they repair your console (usually 1 free month of live, sometimes 800 MS points)

But do I think the 360 is a low quality machine? Not at all I think its excellent with a great game library. I'm not going to exscuse them, they made a big mistake by not ensuring it was ready at launch and rushing out the door, but they payed for it and have worked their butts off for the success they are getting this gen. Also sure PSN is free but Live is better and honestly paying $4 a month to play online is not that big of a deal especially for what you get for that money.

Don't you think when you pay $60 per game you should expect them to at least provide you with infrastructure to play it online without spendings (other than ISP of course)

Let's rephase it: X360 has low build quality but have powerfull hardware inside (as far as console gaming is concerned)



Zlejedi, Xbox Live fees are welcome.

You want the service?  You pay.
You don't like online multiplayer gaming? You don't pay.

Gaming is an expensive hobby.
Not for the poor.

People running low on cash should avoid "interactive multimedia experiences".


My Gaming Setup

Neoraf said:

Zlejedi, Xbox Live fees are welcome.

You want the service?  You pay.
You don't like online multiplayer gaming? You don't pay.

Gaming is an expensive hobby.
Not for the poor.

People running low on cash should avoid "interactive multimedia experiences".

This post made me laughing.

Briliant example of how great M$ marketing is. They even managed to create illusion you get something better which is worth paying for :)


But you know I turn on my PC I start Cod5, GTA IV, whatever and suprise I play it without paying any fees.



I would say that I am not particularly concerned at all about Sony losing sales wise in a console war with the 360. Something that I would considered and do consider concerning would be the ability for Sony to post a profit in their gaming division, I want to see Sony still going in the future and still participating in gaming as a major console.

I don't believe that the numbers you move are what makes you special in any industry. Its what you offer that makes you special. Be it the software, or the hardware. Taking into consideration last gen my favorite console was the game cube and comparatively to the PS2 it failed, but what it offered me as a person was just as much if not more than what the PS2 offered.

Judgment made regarding the greatness of a console purely in reference to sales is simply preposterous.

The 360 can sell 100 million units for all I care, Ill still have my PS3 to enjoy.

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

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Being offended by having to pay 4$/month?
My god...

13 cents a day... I'm gonna cry a river! ;)

My PS3 costs me way more than that in electricity, just by letting it POWER ON a few hours.


My Gaming Setup

Unfortunatley not, just when it looks like the RROD is fading away, the E74 error is popping up, and what will come up when the E74 error is covered ?
So you can call it RROD, E74, another code or abbreviation or whatever you like, it all comes down to poor hardware.
But hey, you get what you pay for ... right ?

As long as ps3 gets great games im happy.


Neoraf said:
Being offended by having to pay 4$/month?
My god...

13 cents a day... I'm gonna cry a river! ;)

My PS3 costs me way more than that in electricity, just by letting it POWER ON a few hours.

How about 300$ per 7 years ? Or maybe 500$ per 10 years?

How about you try using real arguments instead of discussion technics trying to show your opponent arguments as rediculus ?



Very, very, very, very, very unimportant. Please stop with these threads and just play and enjoy your consol of choice