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I would say that I am not particularly concerned at all about Sony losing sales wise in a console war with the 360. Something that I would considered and do consider concerning would be the ability for Sony to post a profit in their gaming division, I want to see Sony still going in the future and still participating in gaming as a major console.

I don't believe that the numbers you move are what makes you special in any industry. Its what you offer that makes you special. Be it the software, or the hardware. Taking into consideration last gen my favorite console was the game cube and comparatively to the PS2 it failed, but what it offered me as a person was just as much if not more than what the PS2 offered.

Judgment made regarding the greatness of a console purely in reference to sales is simply preposterous.

The 360 can sell 100 million units for all I care, Ill still have my PS3 to enjoy.

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!