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BenVTrigger said:
I would agree that the 360 had a WAY too high failure rate no doubt but thats come down alot. Also they got on the ball at least and fixed everyone's repairs for free. Plus you get free stuff the very first time they repair your console (usually 1 free month of live, sometimes 800 MS points)

But do I think the 360 is a low quality machine? Not at all I think its excellent with a great game library. I'm not going to exscuse them, they made a big mistake by not ensuring it was ready at launch and rushing out the door, but they payed for it and have worked their butts off for the success they are getting this gen. Also sure PSN is free but Live is better and honestly paying $4 a month to play online is not that big of a deal especially for what you get for that money.

Don't you think when you pay $60 per game you should expect them to at least provide you with infrastructure to play it online without spendings (other than ISP of course)

Let's rephase it: X360 has low build quality but have powerfull hardware inside (as far as console gaming is concerned)