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Forums - Sales Discussion - Quantity does not equal quality

kowenicki said:
If the PS3 has all these quality diverse exclusives why dont the owners of the system buy them?



Because they don't excist. The PS2 had the most diverse exclusives but the PS3 doesn't. It's all about multiplatform now. Even the FFXIII has gone to the XBOX360. I wouldn't even be surprised that GT5 goes the same way. The costs have risen to much to justify a single platform release, certainly on the PS3. Only the wii has that power, more or less.


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kowenicki said:
If the PS3 has all these quality diverse exclusives why dont the owners of the system buy them?

PS3 owners are buying the quality games. The attach rates of the games on PS3 are much better than the attach rates of 360 games. PS3 has a more diverse range of quality games that cover a lot of different genres. 360 is well mainly a shooter console. If its a shooter game it sells on the 360. 360 console and games only sell  mainly in North American region outside that PS3 is beating the 360 in sales of consoles and games. In Japan PS3 is totally dominating the XBox 360.

PS3beats360 said:
kowenicki said:
If the PS3 has all these quality diverse exclusives why dont the owners of the system buy them?

PS3 owners are buying the quality games. The attach rates of the games on PS3 are much better than the attach rates of 360 games. PS3 has a more diverse range of quality games that cover a lot of different genres. 360 is well mainly a shooter console. If its a shooter game it sells on the 360. 360 console and games only sell  mainly in North American region outside that PS3 is beating the 360 in sales of consoles and games. In Japan PS3 is totally dominating the XBox 360.

Hmmm...That is why two of Sony biggest exclusives are shooters? Killzone 2 and Resistance 2?


Attach rates are higher cause the system has sold less. If I have 5 apples and you have 10. If I sell 2 and you sell 2 I sold 40% of my stock you only 20%.


Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

XGamer0611 said:
PS3beats360 said:
kowenicki said:
If the PS3 has all these quality diverse exclusives why dont the owners of the system buy them?

PS3 owners are buying the quality games. The attach rates of the games on PS3 are much better than the attach rates of 360 games. PS3 has a more diverse range of quality games that cover a lot of different genres. 360 is well mainly a shooter console. If its a shooter game it sells on the 360. 360 console and games only sell  mainly in North American region outside that PS3 is beating the 360 in sales of consoles and games. In Japan PS3 is totally dominating the XBox 360.

Hmmm...That is why two of Sony biggest exclusives are shooters? Killzone 2 and Resistance 2?


Attach rates are higher cause the system has sold less. If I have 5 apples and you have 10. If I sell 2 and you sell 2 I sold 40% of my stock you only 20%.


??? No LBP? Uncharted?


kowenicki said:
@ps3beats360 you did say exactly that actually...

PS3beats360 posted 04/05/2009, 02:43
Is it me or is VGChartz biased against the PS3? I notice PS3 is continuously undertracked on this site. Do VGChartz sales analysts hate the PS3?

I believe PS3 has been undertracked by 1 million. X360 over tracked by 1 million. Wii over tracked by 2 million. I have no proof but hey opinions are facts.


There is a denial statement if I have ever seen one. PS3 sales are below the 360 NPD numbers show it as do numbers everywhere else.

Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

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XxXProphecyXxX said:
XGamer0611 said:
PS3beats360 said:
kowenicki said:
If the PS3 has all these quality diverse exclusives why dont the owners of the system buy them?

PS3 owners are buying the quality games. The attach rates of the games on PS3 are much better than the attach rates of 360 games. PS3 has a more diverse range of quality games that cover a lot of different genres. 360 is well mainly a shooter console. If its a shooter game it sells on the 360. 360 console and games only sell  mainly in North American region outside that PS3 is beating the 360 in sales of consoles and games. In Japan PS3 is totally dominating the XBox 360.

Hmmm...That is why two of Sony biggest exclusives are shooters? Killzone 2 and Resistance 2?


Attach rates are higher cause the system has sold less. If I have 5 apples and you have 10. If I sell 2 and you sell 2 I sold 40% of my stock you only 20%.


??? No LBP? Uncharted?



I was making a point of his shooters comment. No disrespect to LBP (which I didn't like) or Uncharted (which I love)

Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

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Serious_frusting said:
hsrob said:
PS3beats360 said:
I believe the PS3 has the best games library in terms of quality that have surpassed the XBox 360. According to the metacritic sites: PS3 has the highest percentage of quality games of 75%+. PS3 has the best online in terms of quality and it is free. PS3 has dedicated servers which is better than the paid XBox Live on 360 which uses peer to peer. I only play PS3 now. I once owned a XBox 360- it broke down and I sold it within a year and I did not play XBox Live much unless I had a free card for trial period. I do not know much about the Wii - I have never played it and I do not intend to either.

So with limited experience of the Wii and admittedly limited experience with what may be the strongest feature of the Xbox360 you have come to the conclusion that PS3 represents the best quality.......

I'm with Kowenicki on this one. 


Well you dont need to play something to knwo it is something you aint going to like. I really couldnt picture a hardcore gamer going all out on animal crossing lol And experiancing the 360's online for a few weeks in my opinion is more than enough to figue out if its worth paying for. What does 360 live do that worth shelling out the money for that psn dont

Thanks for making my point for me, this has nothing to do with quality and all to do with what YOU like.  Now i know this may be a cruel blow to your ego but your preferences........

as i was typing the above i noticed this.

"I have no proof but hey opinions are facts"

carry on, i have nothing else to add...

Well, each console has its strengths, what matters is whether they are relevant to the consumer's needs.

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The Wii is obviously not on par with either HD systems in terms of quality of software. The 360 ad PS3 are pretty even though IMO.