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Forums - Sony Discussion - Slim selling well

I think it will drop down to what it always was very soon, the redesign wasn't advertised and not much has changed, I picked mine up, only us nerds really new about it and upgraded anyway.

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kber81 said:
konnichiwa said:

Kber he is from Europe (Neos) so I guess he will know it. (PS I thought he is
from the netherlands).

Where is hunter Alien From?

@ Neos

Hmm... My mistake. R U there Neos? Here goes the apology to you... anyway you shouldn't discredit people who aren't as comfortable with English as you. Maybe he also use this forum to develop... I have no problems to understand him.

@ konnichiwa

He is from Romania.

 Thanks kber81 for the protection ... yes I admit that my english is terrible , but I live in Romania , and the irony is that my native language is hungarian :P


Anyways , it seams that the PSP slim will push good units , at least more than I was expecting , I never thaught that it will pass the 60k in first week in the EU :D 

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routsounmanman said:
Hus said:
GT portable and PSP slim would waste the competition.

 And if the DS got Halo and FFXIV and MGS5 then the PSP would be DOOMED! Seriously grow up people; I think everyone accepts that the fight between the DS and the PSP is over (not talking about quality here - I prefer DS but many people might not). Even if PSP sold much better due to GT, DS has so much support these days from both 1st party and 3rd and most importantly from the people; it's been established as the portable to go.

And your point is??

Cause the PSP is a contender against the PSP and seeing if Sony does make another successor. It would definietly be competing against the next Nintendo handheld. Sony just marketed the PSP bad. But the next one will be good. Good thing they brought out the PSP cause I was about to give up on handheld gaming all together.

The PSP is a proof of concept that there is a handheld market big enough for even 2 or more companys , something that no other company could have done ... its a great start for a possibly even batter future :)

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