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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which console is the best for sports games ?

zerosaurus said:
1200p|is|FullHD said:
The only sports game that benefits from Wii is Golf.
Many of you think waggle = realism

Again, who is talking about realism? Sports is about testosterone and brute force which quite simply cannot be expressed on a controlpad for thumbs. Twiddling thumbs any harder does not deliver that same feeling as swinging your arm wildly. Point.


*Response to the bold* Yes it can, especially when each form of expression is assigned to a button on a controller pad. Motion controls are far from perfection where this is concerned. When it does i'll stop playing with controller pads. Devs have nearly perfected how to create a realistic basketball game with controller pads. The waggle controller hasn't yet done that.


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I would say Wii

Sport games are more fun online so Wii is out of this. HD console is the way. PS3 or 360, they are about same.

I'm not sure but I do know that EA Grand Slam Tennis, and Tiger 10 will be killer sports games w/ WM+, so definately pick those up. :D

Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

For those saying he should be happy with his Wii: I am a Wii only owner and I disagree. I have Madden 09 because I like to play occasionally. If it was a main focus of my gaming I would not be happy with it. Until EA puts PES controls on the receivers the Wii version won't offer any compelling gameplay advantages.

As for those minimizing PES for the Wii: motion controls are not the reason people like that version, it is the IR.

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Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

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Of course the Wii.

axumblade said:
MasterZack said:
Of course the Wii.

That's not what he's asking. x.o

Ok, i haven't seen till now. Then... i don't konw. I don't like sports games.


360 and PS3 are both best, I prefer 360. Wii does not even have a decent hockey game, which is a crime.

PS3 wins with MLB the show.

Since you are pretty late in this generation, I would go with PS3 mostly because of what the future holds (They have that 10 years support)