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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here is happy that Xbox is ahead of Playstation this generation?

Even though this is an obvious flamebait thread, it would still fail even if it wasn't

Sony has still sold more systems this generation than Microsoft, and by the time it's over, it will have sold more than twice as many and hence will have had a larger impact on the market(PS3+PSP).

The same MS fans were jizzing in their pants last gen when the Xbox outsold the Gamecube by a slim margin because the failed to realize that Nintendo had outsold MS 5-1(GC + GBA).


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

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Technically, the PlayStation (2006) got discontinued slightly later than the Original Xbox (2005).

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


Lord N said:

Sony has still sold more systems this generation than Microsoft, and by the time it's over, it will have sold more than twice as many and hence will have had a larger impact on the market(PS3+PSP).




Oh, sorry. I thought you were being sarcastic.

IT remebers me how happy Sony was when they have surpassed Microsoft in their online networks. PSN accounts for PS3 and PSP. I'm sorry, but you're doing the same you are highligting about MS fans in the last gen.

360 + Wii + Steam

Lone traveler

yo_john117 said:
Vanversive said:
This guy seems to like to make flame bait topics . Honestly I think they all suck, this generation so far has been horrible in my opinion on all three consoles. None of them have brought anything like the previous generations have. All we get from it is increased online multiplayer (which now can merit a bad score on a review if games do not include it) on consoles, which pc gamers have been privy of for years.

The games are dumbed down. (theres a few gems) the developers continue to nickel and dime by releasing DLC's that in a lot of cases should have already been included on the disc, which also lets developers release a buggy product with an "oops we messed up" patched released two weeks later.

The wii isn't helping anything, unless you are hardcore into mario and link, that or you can live with smash brothers being the only game that gets play time (seriously its all I use my wii for).

Consider me a retro gamer until this gen gets it act together.

Pah!! what are you smoking? this gen is the best in terms of everything



Anyone who thinks previous gens were better haven't played many of the games out today. Also expections were much lower back then.

Im Happy :D

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mjc2021 said:
yo_john117 said:
Vanversive said:
This guy seems to like to make flame bait topics . Honestly I think they all suck, this generation so far has been horrible in my opinion on all three consoles. None of them have brought anything like the previous generations have. All we get from it is increased online multiplayer (which now can merit a bad score on a review if games do not include it) on consoles, which pc gamers have been privy of for years.

The games are dumbed down. (theres a few gems) the developers continue to nickel and dime by releasing DLC's that in a lot of cases should have already been included on the disc, which also lets developers release a buggy product with an "oops we messed up" patched released two weeks later.

The wii isn't helping anything, unless you are hardcore into mario and link, that or you can live with smash brothers being the only game that gets play time (seriously its all I use my wii for).

Consider me a retro gamer until this gen gets it act together.

Pah!! what are you smoking? this gen is the best in terms of everything



Anyone who thinks previous gens were better haven't played many of the games out today. Also expections were much lower back then.

Do you really think he was being serious?  I thought it was obviously a joke! 

New gamers.
I have a Wii and a 360. And believe me, although I really liked Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I'm one of those who still leans to the Melee version because is kinda faster and physical events are more twisted there.

I even still keep my functional atari 7800, and that device was released looong before I was conceived as a person.

360 + Wii + Steam

Lone traveler

In a way, yes. They needed to learn their lesson eventually, so they'd never make the same mistake again.

And had Nintendo gone with another GameCube-like system, the PS3 and 360 would be massively successful, and be in first and second place, so it's really Nintendo you should be thanking here.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

City17 said:
mjc2021 said:
yo_john117 said:
Vanversive said:
This guy seems to like to make flame bait topics . Honestly I think they all suck, this generation so far has been horrible in my opinion on all three consoles. None of them have brought anything like the previous generations have. All we get from it is increased online multiplayer (which now can merit a bad score on a review if games do not include it) on consoles, which pc gamers have been privy of for years.

The games are dumbed down. (theres a few gems) the developers continue to nickel and dime by releasing DLC's that in a lot of cases should have already been included on the disc, which also lets developers release a buggy product with an "oops we messed up" patched released two weeks later.

The wii isn't helping anything, unless you are hardcore into mario and link, that or you can live with smash brothers being the only game that gets play time (seriously its all I use my wii for).

Consider me a retro gamer until this gen gets it act together.

Pah!! what are you smoking? this gen is the best in terms of everything



Anyone who thinks previous gens were better haven't played many of the games out today. Also expections were much lower back then.

Do you really think he was being serious?  I thought it was obviously a joke! 




If he was joking than I obviously missed it. Games like Mass Effect, Fable 2, and CoD4 don't have me looking back.

Granted there were some great titles in the past but this generation is much more ambitious.


Zebastian von Kane said:
Keep dreaming!
And living in the past, if you will!

We're talking about 360, which is the current generation!


the title and the OP supports me