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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here is happy that Xbox is ahead of Playstation this generation?

CrazzyMan said:
Xbox is still LAST in Japan.

So how it`s ahead? IF only in NA, but that is not big deal.
PS3 FTW! =)

p.s. anyway, i`m not happy, because xbox is holding back PS3 and Nextgen Gaming(multipaltform games) with it`s LIMITED DVD space.
Not to mention graphics, IF Prototype would have the graphics, like InFamous has.. that would be just ultra awesome, BUT we have to deal, with those x360 limits.

The 360 has more owners in the US than all the current gen consoles combined in Japan. Just pointing that out.

Also games can be split games into multiple DVD discs. I imagine using Bluray discs is much more expensive than doing that.

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mjc2021 said:
yo_john117 said:
Vanversive said:
This guy seems to like to make flame bait topics . Honestly I think they all suck, this generation so far has been horrible in my opinion on all three consoles. None of them have brought anything like the previous generations have. All we get from it is increased online multiplayer (which now can merit a bad score on a review if games do not include it) on consoles, which pc gamers have been privy of for years.

The games are dumbed down. (theres a few gems) the developers continue to nickel and dime by releasing DLC's that in a lot of cases should have already been included on the disc, which also lets developers release a buggy product with an "oops we messed up" patched released two weeks later.

The wii isn't helping anything, unless you are hardcore into mario and link, that or you can live with smash brothers being the only game that gets play time (seriously its all I use my wii for).

Consider me a retro gamer until this gen gets it act together.

Pah!! what are you smoking? this gen is the best in terms of everything



Anyone who thinks previous gens were better haven't played many of the games out today. Also expections were much lower back then.

Hey hey, don´t generalize like that..I´ve played most of the 'big' current generation games so far, and while they´re more grand in scale, etc...I still had more fun with 4th and 5th generation games relative to their time.

I like this generation, but other than a couple of games, it´s not giving me that "WOW" feeling (relative to its time) I had with games from the generations I mentioned above.


blackstar said:
Xen said:
What a hate filled thread.

"Sony needed to be put back in its place"

Without Sony, you wouldn't have the games you have today, and neither would gaming be so popular... think about it.


I agree but haters will still hate.


That's like a case of 5 year bitterness bottled up in one small jar.

JGarret said:
mjc2021 said:
yo_john117 said:
Vanversive said:
This guy seems to like to make flame bait topics . Honestly I think they all suck, this generation so far has been horrible in my opinion on all three consoles. None of them have brought anything like the previous generations have. All we get from it is increased online multiplayer (which now can merit a bad score on a review if games do not include it) on consoles, which pc gamers have been privy of for years.

The games are dumbed down. (theres a few gems) the developers continue to nickel and dime by releasing DLC's that in a lot of cases should have already been included on the disc, which also lets developers release a buggy product with an "oops we messed up" patched released two weeks later.

The wii isn't helping anything, unless you are hardcore into mario and link, that or you can live with smash brothers being the only game that gets play time (seriously its all I use my wii for).

Consider me a retro gamer until this gen gets it act together.

Pah!! what are you smoking? this gen is the best in terms of everything



Anyone who thinks previous gens were better haven't played many of the games out today. Also expections were much lower back then.

Hey hey, don´t generalize like that..I´ve played most of the 'big' current generation games so far, and while they´re more grand in scale, etc...I still had more fun with 4th and 5th generation games relative to their time.

I like this generation, but other than a couple of games, it´s not giving me that "WOW" feeling (relative to its time) I had with games from the generations I mentioned above.


To the contrary I've had more "WOW" feelings this gen than I did in the past.

I don't know what games you've played or prerfer so there isn't much of debate we can have.

yo_john117 said:
Vanversive said:
This guy seems to like to make flame bait topics . Honestly I think they all suck, this generation so far has been horrible in my opinion on all three consoles. None of them have brought anything like the previous generations have. All we get from it is increased online multiplayer (which now can merit a bad score on a review if games do not include it) on consoles, which pc gamers have been privy of for years.

The games are dumbed down. (theres a few gems) the developers continue to nickel and dime by releasing DLC's that in a lot of cases should have already been included on the disc, which also lets developers release a buggy product with an "oops we messed up" patched released two weeks later.

The wii isn't helping anything, unless you are hardcore into mario and link, that or you can live with smash brothers being the only game that gets play time (seriously its all I use my wii for).

Consider me a retro gamer until this gen gets it act together.

Pah!! what are you smoking? this gen is the best in terms of everything


I agree with some of the games especially LBP, Valkyria Chronicles, gears and MGS 5.

I still enjoy last gen. and the gen. before that. This gen lacks JRPG(High quality) and some of the Japanese games.

This gen also suffer from rush games, full of delays (FF13, alan wake, GT5 and many more). On PS1 days every year there is a FF main and spin-off. I want to play as many great games as I want. I don't want to wait 3-4 years just to play play those games. end of rant.

I want to post some more but it will be too long to read.


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Not really! PSP is still ahead of 360 and PS2 is still on the market and PS2 sold 2 times more than entire Xbox family together :)

BladeOfGod said:
Not really! PSP is still ahead of 360 and PS2 is still on the market and PS2 sold 2 times more than entire Xbox family together :)


well said AMEN

BladeOfGod said:
Not really! PSP is still ahead of 360 and PS2 is still on the market and PS2 sold 2 times more than entire Xbox family together :)

Sony fanboys are truly the most annoying.

Your current favorite console is doing so horribly you have to also include other consoles? That's just sad.

It's also a sad that Sonly blew the profits of their other consoles trying to get the PS3 off the ground. I know Sony has a 10 year plan but is that how long its going to take to make a profit?

I'm happy my favourite console has secured enough of a userbase to get at least equal third party support this generation, nothing more, nothing less. I think Sony did need a wake up call after their arrogance around the release of the PS3 but it would appear lessons have been learned and they're working hard to turn the generation around.


You really are obssesd with Sony fanboys arent you? Where did i said my favourite console was PS3? Just to prove you wrong, my favourite console is PS1. And this theard says ''Who here is happy that Xbox is ahed of PlayStation this generation?'' Its not saying PS3, it just says PLAYSTATION. So it can easily be PSP.