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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why PS3 in US selling bad? Americans Nationalists? Buy American?

Laffer said:
Ìt was just the provoke a discussion, because I would like to know and understand.

For me I can not say that the XBOX was better marketed, not at all.

And when I compare the Price of both with the options included, PS3 is so much more appealing.

I payed 599 EUR when it came out, so a lot more as the US people (599 US$).

But the BD Player is included
Harddisk was included
HDMI Port was included
Card readers were included
Bluetooth was included
I got Motorstorm and Casino Royale for free
Online Gaming is free

And even today I think there is no price difference if you compare from what the console offers.

But that´s only for you. Someone else see it different.

For example, me:


BD Player - Do not care, last year, I see about three movies on DVD. Heck, I stiil don´t own stand-alone DVD player, using only PS2 or X360 DVD player.

HDD - I bought one from my friend, but it´s not something, that I cannot live without.

HDMI - Yes, I care. But X360 have it too.

Card reader - Not care, USB ports are enought

Bluetooht - Not care

Motorstorm and Casino Royale - Not care

Free on-line - Not care.


See? For me, PS3 it´s more waste of money.



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Are all fuckin PS3 Fanboy this ignorant?

It gets more and more rude... No arguments...

Software is like Sex, it is better when it is free!

its the high price point!!!!!!!!!! that is it

bonkers555 said:
Are all fuckin PS3 Fanboy this ignorant?

And thus you see why we hate this thread as much as you do.

It gives Sony fans a bad name. We're not all that delusional, honest.

You mention Bush's "Buy American" thingy, OP. Well, Bush has been President since 2001. From then till now, in fact, from the beginning of time until now, has an American console ever won a generation in America? No. The NES won, then the SNES, then the PS1, then the PS2, then the Wii. All Japanese.

The PS3 does not sell in America because of its price, and because of its library. It is still double the price of the cheapest 360. Somebody who just wants a game console, a casual gamer, particularly in America, who doesn't care about Blu-ray or Bluetooth, doesn't see a $200 console versus a $400 console with an internet browser, free online and Blu-ray.

He sees a $200 console with Halo, and a $400 without Halo. In fact, it's pretty amazing that the PS3 manages to get anywhere near the 360 in America.

The Europeans don't care about Halo as much, and they (we) haven't been hit as badly by this financial crisis, and are willing to spend more money. Also, Sony was the first game company that actually gave a damn about Europe. In some countries in Europe, the PS3 is ahead of the Wii.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Nice answer! And I agree... Halo seems some phenomenon amongst US americans...

Software is like Sex, it is better when it is free!

kutasek said:
Because most people can't find a second job, to afford PS3.:)



Haha, zing!


I'm european myself, and if anyone are zombies, it's the europeans. They simply buy Playstation because "that's what we always did", and don't even consider the 360. Brain dead consumers carry Sony a lot here in Europe.

Why aren't half the people in this thread (and most of all Laffer) banned yet? Seriously, Laffer, you are quite possibly the biggest tool I have ever seen! You bash America, the country that SAVED YOUR FUCKING ASS... TWICE! You then bash a PAST President of America. You bash one of the few good things America produces anymore. And then you say you don't want to talk politics? Seriously! I have NEVER heard anything so asinine! If you don't want to talk politics, then DON"T FUCKING TALK POLITICS IN THE VERY FIRST POST OF YOUR THREAD! Then to top it off, I read a post stating that you bashed America to get an argument going...and then 30 post later you say "be nice don't argue"??? Are you seriously that much of a hypocrite?

- Halo is not overrated, it's what got both me and my brother into gaming, I bought my first console to play it. Not to mention that Halo 3's online play is delicious (despite the P2P networking).

- Xbox360 has a better price tag, Halo 3, Gears of War 1 and 2, a far superior controller, was marketed better, and beat the rush to get the first 3rd gen console out (it cost them dearly in terms of RROD). Also, blu ray players are going for as low as $134.00 US so why bother buying a PS3 if you don't like more than one or two of the exclusives?
The only reason the 360 is not selling well in Japan and elsewhere is because of the elitist anti-Americanism that exists in Europe and Asia...they just couldn't bring themselves to buy a *gasp* American made item.

-PS3, havn't played it, wouldn't mind getting one. It does have a few good features and games after all, but the price is kinda high. I trust Sony's consumer electronics because I have had good experiences with them, but some of the sneaking things Sony has tried to do (putting trojan horses on CDs to combat pirating , proprietizing the mini disk market, and such), make me a little leary of the brand. 

George Bush did what he believed to be right in the Iraq war. I contest that it wasn't really about Iraq as much as it was Iran. Iran is an Alli of ours...but a terroristic hotbed. We couldn't just go in and attack an Alli, so we go into Iraq and attempt to set up a Republic in the hopes that the Iranians would see the freedoms that Iraqis had, and want it for themselves. This may have worked if the Democrats didn't shortchange and undercut the war every chance they got. (Harry Reid D. "The War is Lost." right after a highly successful surge of troops). Also Iraq is MUCH better off now than they were before. You must remember, they have never had a Republic before, so naturally, it takes time to assimilate.

Also, if you knew anything about history, you would know that the US did not start the UN alone. It was China, France, the Solviet Union, the U.K and 45 other countries that met with the goal of rebuilding war torn nations. 

Shame on you Laffer! With this thread you have made yourself look like a hypocritical, anti-American, anti-Microsoft, PS3 fanboy, and have thus lost ALL credibility with me. And probably many other objective gamers on this forum.

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Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

ironman said:

Also, if you knew anything about history, you would know that the US did not start the UN , I believe it was the Brits or France.


after the first world war we had the league of nations. this was ultimately the united nations but in a very early process. some notable countries throughout the world were in it, mostly the super powers. the US however at the time did not want to join something, instead wanted to remain to itself and not dwelve in matters that do not concern them. well the league of nations had its up and downs, but ultimately could not protect everyone from another world war which was its main purpose. now around 1943 or so the declaration by united nations was a term used between the allies. FDR and Churchill were major pushers of a unified system to keep the world at peace. so they got signatures from the allies, they held conferences etc etc. and about 1945 the united nations was real. started with 41 signatures now we have around 190+-

kowenicki said:
Yeah thats why the PS2 did so bad, why the Wii is selling really poorly and why Japanese cars just dont sell any at all...



markers    I wish you hadn't quoted my earlier statment about the U.N. it was wrong. If you veiw my post you will see I checked my facts and fixed it. 


Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!