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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why the 360 will ultimately succumb to the ps3...

MontanaHatchet said:
As much as I'm interested in a 14 paragraph thanks.

Basically the TC is overestimating the PS3 and underestimating the Xbox360 by looking at the Best Case Scenario for Sony and the Worst Case Scenario for MS. 

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


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leo-j said:
@neo ratt

You tried me so here it goes:

Infamous,Tekken6,Yakuza 3,MGS4,FFXIII,FFVXIII,Killzone 2, Socom, Little big planet, L.A Noire,AFRIKA,Monster hunter 3,Eight days,Jak and daxter,Red wood falls, Heavey rain,Loco roco,Motorstorm 2,,The agency,White knight story,EYE dentify,EYE create,Ember,Drangoballz(working title), Naruto(working title) etc..

Saints row 2 is confirmed for the ps3 as well, there are more just that they havent been announced yet.

You listed Redwood Falls twice, and forgot the sales mother of them all - GT5.

You also left out a bunch of smaller games like Wardevil: Enigma and Way of the Samurai 3.  The latter was one of the main reasons I bought a ps3.  A very underrated series, imo. 

I think everyone blew into their NES cartridges. I actually remember having to go and get rubbing alcohol to clean the contacts on the carts and system. I did get one DRE on the PS2, but that was easy to fix myself and still haven't had any problems. Alignment issues are easy to fix. ;)


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

I do tend to play for extend periods when things come out, but i keep them in good shape outside of that, off carpet, in an open space, cool enviroments, the best i can figure is that i just played way too long at a time. however, knock on wood, i only ever restart my mac after new hardware upgrades or software, (up time 4 months right now) and i have only had 1 problem in 4 years, (A faulty ati card when it shipped)

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

leo-j said:
I hate medievil personally, I have the game for the ps1 and its terrible, I dont even know why I wasted 6 dollars on it.

To get on topic:

The ps3 is going to pass the xbox 360 or is the ps3 going to keep its slow pace(as equally as fast as the x360)?

*Japan is sony's last resort if needed in the future.

*$399.99 40gb ps3 if true, will mean the end of the xbox 360(for a fact).

*MGS4(system seller) Killzone 2(if this becomes a game as great as halo alot of x360 owners will jump the sony band wagon) FF XIII(FF does miracles), LBP, and Infamous a new exclusive IP are just a taste.

*As for NG2 I doubt it wont come to the ps3 in 2008, NGS was exclusive, why cant NG2 be released?

*Kingdom hearts(maybe on wii but if on ps3 expect huge sales)

alright leo, sort of good arguements but you have to see some logic or what MS would do to counter it

1. Ps3, is not selling well in Japan at all, and it has the lowest price then anywhere! They dont have them as last resort unless they do something to increase sales.

2. If sony had a 399 system, MS would drop their prices again! You can have little doubt on that.

3. There is system sellers are both sides, and i dont need to mention each sides =/ Also, they said that about killzone 1......

3. I thought i heard NG was being published by MS? Im not sure on that, so dont quote me....

4. Disney has alot of rights to the KH franchise, i expect it to go wii or mulit platform, not just ps3, since disney and SE will go where the money is


                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
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NG2 is being published by MS. No PS3 version, sorry.

I also have a hard time seeing the KH series go anywhere but the Wii. It just fits too well.

Or check out my new webcomic:

i had little problems with my ps2, had a faulty controller once, and i constantly had to clean the eye, but besides that a really great console

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
leo-j said:
@neo ratt

You tried me so here it goes:

Infamous,Tekken6,Yakuza 3,MGS4,FFXIII,FFVXIII,Killzone 2, Socom, Little big planet, L.A Noire,AFRIKA,Monster hunter 3,Eight days,Jak and daxter,Red wood falls, Heavey rain,Loco roco,Motorstorm 2,,The agency,White knight story,EYE dentify,EYE create,Ember,Drangoballz(working title), Naruto(working title) etc..

Saints row 2 is confirmed for the ps3 as well, there are more just that they havent been announced yet.

The point I was making was that Microsoft has a lot of exclusive content coming as well.  Really, it doesn't matter how much exclusives are coming out because both companies are doing well at it...  And to be frank, if a company does not make enough money on an exclusive they simply, port and release on the other platform as well...

The original post seemed to question if Microsoft had anything worth talking about next year...  And they do...  So, I listed some of it that can be construed based on screenshots, demos, trailers, etc.

As for Saints Row 2... I thought that PS3 development was cancelled, but upon further research I was wrong, it was only Saints Row development that was cancelled...  Thanks for the correction.

I could easily see KH going to the Wii. As of now, the bigger rumors are that the next KH will go to a handheld. I seem to recall someone from Square saying that the next one is a spin-off.

Lets rule out NG2 then

If sony had a $399.99 system it would be outsellin gthe 360 currently 2 to 1.

You like every other xbox fan bring up killzone 1, they SAID THAT its going to be the best ps2 shooter(it was),but they SHOWED KILLZONE 2, they didnt just say $hit they actually SHOWED it.

The ps3 is $559.99 in japan ofcourse its not going to be selling well. Also to add to this, back on towards the dropping price, the ps3 will still outsell the 360 even if it were dropped again at the $399.99 price point.

