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Forums - Gaming Discussion - WRPGs or JRPGs and why?

I'd say WRPG.

Not to say that I don't love JRPGs but I'm just not a fan of the whole strategy combat thing (even though I'm use to it) and JRPGs have weird looking protagonist (not that its a bad thing)


Favorite films. Foreign films forever!


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Both FTW!

Generally slight preference to JRPGs.  Generally (not always!) story is better in JRPGs and graphics is better in WRPGs, and I normally like story over graphics.

jrpgs. i really like the whole turn based things.

JRPG. They feel more story driven to me.

I find myself watching TV shows and Movies more than playing games. I have more fun watching FF9 than playing [because i just started recently and the gameplay feels really dated to me.] For some reason the only time I have the same fun as I do with a great story driven TV show is when i'm playing an RPG with a great story or action/adventure game with a great story. I usually love the characters more in JRPG's aswel.

4 ≈ One

JRPG's..I just like the genre..i feel that jrpg's have better stories than wrpg's.

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This gen its WRPG simply for Mass Effect.

Overall its JRPG, Suikoden 2


jlauro said:

Both FTW!

Generally slight preference to JRPGs.  Generally (not always!) story is better in JRPGs and graphics is better in WRPGs, and I normally like story over graphics.

This, I can agree with



Favorite films. Foreign films forever!


Carl2291 said:
This gen its WRPG simply for Mass Effect.

Overall its JRPG, Suikoden 2


 Suikoden? Never heard of it

I hope this doesn't derail the topic


Favorite films. Foreign films forever!


Jrpg's seem to be unable to evolve. They tell a decent story, but they don't involve the player as much as wrpg's. Wrpg's seem to be less afraid of breaking new ground.

Wrpg's Ftw.

WRPGs because usually they have better stories than JRPGs and the gameplay is many steps ahead of it's japanese counterparts.