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Forums - Gaming Discussion - WRPGs or JRPGs and why?

Jo21 said:
JRPG. are simply better.
they put more money and it shows.
jrpg are artistic yet heavily crafted to be awesome and deep storyline, likeable characters ,good symphonic soundtrack yet likeable, and complex and fun gameplay

Now there's one I haven't heard before.

Anyway, I enjoy both. In general I think WRPGs are probably better, but the best JRPGs I've played easily butt heads with the best WRPGs.

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Oniichan said:
chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
JRPGs for me are above WRPG. I just love the way JRPGs can pull you emotionally into the story to the point of shedding a tear. No WRPG has done that for me. Stories and character development are just done better in JRPGs (thoough there are a few gems in WRPGs).

The 1 thing i do like about WRPGs is that it gives you options (good or bad) and multiple endings.



Have you played Fallout 3?


Yes i have. Played it through 3 times (good, bad and neutral). Never once made me feel emotional.



Eh, fair enough. To let it strike you emotinally is to think about it in a certain way. That's what I did


I can understand how you can be striken emotionally with Fallout 3 as it is a sad game (world is destroyed by man, living in a hole, chasing your father only to have.... wont say it, etc) while it does do all that it never made me felt attached to the game or the characters in it.

True. Even the though the protaganist never speaks through out game, you can still say that you some what still feel sorry for him/her

I think the main reason why people can't get a WRPGs (like fallout 3) emotionally is because you have to get to the emotional side differently than JRPGs 


Favorite films. Foreign films forever!


chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
JRPGs for me are above WRPG. I just love the way JRPGs can pull you emotionally into the story to the point of shedding a tear. No WRPG has done that for me. Stories and character development are just done better in JRPGs (thoough there are a few gems in WRPGs).

The 1 thing i do like about WRPGs is that it gives you options (good or bad) and multiple endings.



Have you played Fallout 3?


Yes i have. Played it through 3 times (good, bad and neutral). Never once made me feel emotional.



Eh, fair enough. To let it strike you emotinally is to think about it in a certain way. That's what I did

Huh?! Fallout is supposed to be a satire with funny, not sad...


Why not both?

Ok, ok, I'd say JRPGs come out a *little* higher than WRPGs. I like the charm, environments, creativity, and character development a tad better in JRPGs.

Honestly though, that's if I absolutely had to choose. I appreciate both for what they bring forth.

Mass Effect, Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1,2, Morrowind, and Fable pack virtually the same amount of enjoyment I get from quality JRPG titles.

Person 1: Does Valkyria Chronicles have trophies?
Person 2:  No.
Person 1: Forget it. I'm not buying it.
Person 2: Wait! It's amazing! Unique, charming, drop dead gorgeous... Hello?

shio said:
chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
JRPGs for me are above WRPG. I just love the way JRPGs can pull you emotionally into the story to the point of shedding a tear. No WRPG has done that for me. Stories and character development are just done better in JRPGs (thoough there are a few gems in WRPGs).

The 1 thing i do like about WRPGs is that it gives you options (good or bad) and multiple endings.



Have you played Fallout 3?


Yes i have. Played it through 3 times (good, bad and neutral). Never once made me feel emotional.



Eh, fair enough. To let it strike you emotinally is to think about it in a certain way. That's what I did

Huh?! Fallout is supposed to be a satire with funny, not sad...



 What? It's not supposed to be funny in anyway


Favorite films. Foreign films forever!


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shio said:
Akvod said:
chris1_16 said:

I'd say WRPG.

Not to say that I don't love JRPGs but I'm just not a fan of the whole strategy combat thing (even though I'm use to it) and JRPGs have weird looking protagonist (not that its a bad thing)

I think the weaknesses of WRPGs is combat, and that although their openess is a plus and adds to the role playing part, it can also hurt in that the story can't really be controlled in positive manner by the writers, and they have to design a story with multiple endings in mind.

The characters in WRPGs are weaker IMHO, notably because you play as one character instead of a dedicated party that follows you and interacts with you. They're usually one shot characters for a quest.

You don't know what you're talking about. The best videogame story ever is Planescape: Torment, a pure WRPG. WRPGs actually have a much higher writing and narrative quality than JRPGs and also make much better and original stories and characters.

As for the combat, I suggest you take a look at Baldur's Gate 2, which blows away any RPG combat system in terms of tactics, customization and strategy.

:) 100% agree, WRPG all the way & Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 is my all time favourite...


JRPGs, I feel that the story in them really hooks me up, unlike in WRPGs where the only story I liked is KOTOR. The characters tend to be better developed in JRPGs, also, which is a plus. I feel that the "freedom" that WRPGs give ends up meaning weaker stories and characters than in a good JRPG. And I really like the turn based system, which is more common in JRPGs. Also, most WRPGs have generic artstyle and music, while good JRPGs usually have a great anime style and a fantastic soundtrack


Carl2291 said:
chris1_16 said:
Carl2291 said:
This gen its WRPG simply for Mass Effect.

Overall its JRPG, Suikoden 2


 Suikoden? Never heard of it

I hope this doesn't derail the topic

For me its the best RPG game you can buy on any console system.

If you can afford it, Ebay it.

Why be specific when you can be more general?

But yeah, he knows what he's saying

d21lewis said:
Jrpg's seem to be unable to evolve. They tell a decent story, but they don't involve the player as much as wrpg's. Wrpg's seem to be less afraid of breaking new ground.

Wrpg's Ftw.


Actually this got me thinking. Back in the day, JRPGs had you name all your characters and even get the chance to choose what they say every once in a while. Heck, FF7 had a whole system set up of who Cloud would eventually go on a date with based on conversation choices. Sure it wasn't quite as in depth as some WRPGs, but it was still something. It's almost like JRPGs are regressing in that aspect.

Anyways, I didn't even consider there to be a difference between WRPGs, JRPGs, and even SRPGs until people started making threads like this, I just called them RPGs. When it comes right down to it you're still killing pretend monsters for experience points and monies, which I enjoy regardless of what style they are.   


Jrpg>>>>>>Wrpg for me that is

I like their stories, most characters, humor, fantasy worlds.

The few Wrpg's i've touched felt like hack&slash and i prefer the turnbased battle system.
Also the 'trying to be true' graphics of some Wrpg's i dont like. If I'm gonna play a game, i want characters with tails and shit... Escape reality!!!

chris1_16 said:
shio said:
chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
JRPGs for me are above WRPG. I just love the way JRPGs can pull you emotionally into the story to the point of shedding a tear. No WRPG has done that for me. Stories and character development are just done better in JRPGs (thoough there are a few gems in WRPGs).

The 1 thing i do like about WRPGs is that it gives you options (good or bad) and multiple endings.



Have you played Fallout 3?


Yes i have. Played it through 3 times (good, bad and neutral). Never once made me feel emotional.



Eh, fair enough. To let it strike you emotinally is to think about it in a certain way. That's what I did

Huh?! Fallout is supposed to be a satire with funny, not sad...



 What? It's not supposed to be funny in anyway

... you know that the mindset in the fallout series is a satire to the paranoia of the 50's people, right? One of the reasons why the series presented the aesthetics of the technology in the game as clearly based in the tech available in the 50's, and the art, and the buildings, etc... was to enhance that part and make the point more evident, even though the timeline continues into the 20XX's.

The writing in Fallout 3 is poor, so one might miss the point and there's no memorable dialogues, but if you had played the previous Fallout 1 & 2, you'd know what I'm talking about.