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Forums - Gaming Discussion - WRPGs or JRPGs and why?


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WRPGs: I love the action/adventure, free roaming environments with real-time battles. More complex stories with lots of variety from game to game. Variety of different characters: rarely use kids as main characters.

JRPGs I hate turn based. Slow boring and based on luck rather than skill. Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy games, etc turn based all luck involved, no skill needed. Very basic stories with very little variety from game to game. Japanese Emo characters mainly kids/adolescents in JRPG games. JRPGs are full of anime cut scenes.

I absolutely hate WRPGs. I don't really know why, but even the most highly praised ones seem like rubbish to me while I can stand most jRPGs enough to play them even if they are rather horrible (though if they are horrible, I usually just get to somewhere near the end and just quit).

I blame Bush.

Mostly JRPG but WRPGs have been getting my attention alot this generation.

Bethsda FTW!!!

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

JRPG for me because I like games that are story driven. I like turn based. Almost all of my gaming collection are consist of JRPG. For WRPG: When I am playing it's games, I feel the game is lifeless and I suddenly I got bored. Which I don't feel when I am playing JRPG IMHO. But of course I enjoy playing some WRPG like diablo 2.

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WRPG's are good, but I like JRPG's better.

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


Wrpgs, reason: Baldur's gate, Might and Magic, Elder scroll, etc

I think its a generational thing. JRPG were great years ago but WRPG are now much more interesting.

Fossil said:
famousringo said:


I'm with you. WRPGs because some of them actually are RPGs.

There needs to be a new term for a story-driven game with a leveling system, because that's all most of these so-called RPGs have in common. Some of them aren't even very story-driven. Perhaps we should call them 'leveling games.'


I perfer "Playable literature"

I believe we have a name for games that are story-driven and don't have actual role playing, I am pretty sure they are called Adventure games.


I play both and they are very different, I like them all fine unless it's just a bad game.