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d21lewis said:
Jrpg's seem to be unable to evolve. They tell a decent story, but they don't involve the player as much as wrpg's. Wrpg's seem to be less afraid of breaking new ground.

Wrpg's Ftw.


Actually this got me thinking. Back in the day, JRPGs had you name all your characters and even get the chance to choose what they say every once in a while. Heck, FF7 had a whole system set up of who Cloud would eventually go on a date with based on conversation choices. Sure it wasn't quite as in depth as some WRPGs, but it was still something. It's almost like JRPGs are regressing in that aspect.

Anyways, I didn't even consider there to be a difference between WRPGs, JRPGs, and even SRPGs until people started making threads like this, I just called them RPGs. When it comes right down to it you're still killing pretend monsters for experience points and monies, which I enjoy regardless of what style they are.