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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Can we please stop game discussion to talk about how doomed is Nintendo?

sega4life said:

All this talk?

I seen like 2 or 3 Wii doomed threads..

Just from today's hot topic (i.e. from the last 24 hours):

It'd be more if I went back a day further. Even more if I went two days further. Even more if I...

SlumsofOhio said:
Doomed? No. But some of you need to stop being so defensive when someone points out games that have shown poor sales. Not every game on Nintendo consoles will have legs you know. And the least you can do is compare games of a similar genre when your trying to back up your argument.

I'll agree with the first part. I'm not sure what the second part is referring to...

Zkuq said:
So we shouldn't discuss anything negative about Wii? 

Yes Zkuq, that's exactly what this thread is about.

Zkuq said:

Shut up and stop complaining. If the arguments are valid, you have exactly two good choices: use counter-arguments to counter the whole case, or shut up and stop complaining.

Except that few of them are valid, and yet it's expected that we keep having the same conversations time and again. That's nice to do the first time, annoying the second, and just plain tiresome after that. You're a Sony fanboy, and your fellow Sony fans beat this exact same drum with regularity (for the exact same reason!). Do you tell them to shut up and stop complaining, or does this pearl of wisdom only apply to other consoles?

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Dupde thread and sales threads really count as "Wii is doomed" ?


The thread talks as if this has been going on for weeks..

I mean we have those by the truck load about PS3, 360, every weeks sales come out...


PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

SlumsofOhio said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:
SlumsofOhio said:
Doomed? No. But some of you need to stop being so defensive when someone points out games that have shown poor sales. Not every game on Nintendo consoles will have legs you know. And the least you can do is compare games of a similar genre when your trying to back up your argument.


 Sorry if of topic

But which slum off Ohio are you from ???


Columbus west side. Not too getto, but its getting there.

Haha !

Me, west Cleveland ( Lakewood ) it is also not too getto but getting there.


sega4life said:

Dupde thread and sales threads really count as "Wii is doomed" ?

When the threads are about the Wii being doomed? Yes. And the duplication part makes them even more tiresome, as they're literally the exact same conversation repeated in triplicate! Try and tell me that's not annoying, I dare ya.

sega4life said:

The thread talks as if this has been going on for weeks..

noname2200 said:

It'd be more if I went back a day further. Even more if I went two days further. Even more if I...

I'd also like to ask if you and I are really visiting the same forum or not...

I mean we have those by the truck load about PS3, 360, every weeks sales come out...

Quite true, and so people have made threads similar to this one for those systems too. Shoot, BengaBenga even made an official one for the Playstation trolling. So what's your point, exactly?

I'd like to derail this thread into a series of one-liners. I suck at one-liners, so I'm counting on some witty people to come along and pick up my slack.

Nintendo's so doomed...

... that their new headquarters is an unsinkable supercruiser set to circle the arctic ocean.

... that Iwata just purchased a new executive airship to shuttle him around the world.

... that Miyamoto's new genius game is called Wii Play in Traffic.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Around the Network

Most of the people posting "(Insert Console name here) is doomed!" threads are nothing more than a bunch of procrastinators avoiding their responsibilities by trying to stir shit up on a forum. They're like Freddy Kruger in the Dream Warriors - if you give them attention, you give them power. When they find that no one is responding to their ignorant posts, then they will be defeated.

So, just ignore them, don't post replies on their threads. They are a silent voice in the industry that goes unnoticed and unheard.

Fine, slackers. Here are a few more.

... that Iwata's assistants can no longer open his door because he insists on storing all of Nintendo's profits in his office.

... that they've characterized their company's mission as "The War on Boredom."

... that the Fantastic Four have started a manhunt to stop Dr. Kawashima before he strikes again.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Oh, alright, not that I'm any good at these either

... that Nintendo's replicating Mount Fuji using nothing but fresh $100 bills.

... that Obama's asking Iwata for a bailout package.

... HAL's next game is Kirby's Home Vacuuming.

Oh yes. Nintendo is Doomed! And wiiware sucks! the only good games on it are

-the 3 art style games
-the 5 strong bad games
-lost winds
-defend your castle
-my life as a king
-toki tori
-world of goo
-megaman 9
-bomberman blast
-tetris party
-dr. mario

oh wait

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.

noname2200 said:
Zkuq said:
So we shouldn't discuss anything negative about Wii? 

Yes Zkuq, that's exactly what this thread is about.

Zkuq said:

Shut up and stop complaining. If the arguments are valid, you have exactly two good choices: use counter-arguments to counter the whole case, or shut up and stop complaining.

Except that few of them are valid, and yet it's expected that we keep having the same conversations time and again. That's nice to do the first time, annoying the second, and just plain tiresome after that. You're a Sony fanboy, and your fellow Sony fans beat this exact same drum with regularity (for the exact same reason!). Do you tell them to shut up and stop complaining, or does this pearl of wisdom only apply to other consoles?

I was speaking in general... Every time I see something negative said about Wii, it's countered with almost ridiculous arguments (well, of course there are some valid arguments as well). And about what you said in the end... Sony fanboy? That's a joke, right? I'd rather say I'm a fanboy of nothing, though one might call me a PC fan without being too far off. To put it short: PC >>> Sony >>> Nintendo > M$ (at least right now). Anyway, all fanboys are bad but almost blindly defending Wii is the worst to me. This is a rather big simplification so you shouldn't take it that bad, but at least I can find good things in 360 even if I hate MS. Wii is a different case... But please remember it's a simplification; things aren't really that simple or bad.

And maybe I'm just blind, but the only thread resembling "Wii doomed" theme is the market share threat, which is basically a report instead of a "Wii doomed" thread. Of course it might simply be that I'm not even opening threads that don't seem interesting (includes threads that sound completely ridiculous), I don't exactly browser the forums (I look at whatever's on the front page), and I don't spend too much time on VG Chartz despite checking it several times a day. Yeah, maybe there have been "Wii is doomed" thread but most likely they've seemed too ridiculous for me to even have a better look at them.