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noname2200 said:
Zkuq said:
So we shouldn't discuss anything negative about Wii? 

Yes Zkuq, that's exactly what this thread is about.

Zkuq said:

Shut up and stop complaining. If the arguments are valid, you have exactly two good choices: use counter-arguments to counter the whole case, or shut up and stop complaining.

Except that few of them are valid, and yet it's expected that we keep having the same conversations time and again. That's nice to do the first time, annoying the second, and just plain tiresome after that. You're a Sony fanboy, and your fellow Sony fans beat this exact same drum with regularity (for the exact same reason!). Do you tell them to shut up and stop complaining, or does this pearl of wisdom only apply to other consoles?

I was speaking in general... Every time I see something negative said about Wii, it's countered with almost ridiculous arguments (well, of course there are some valid arguments as well). And about what you said in the end... Sony fanboy? That's a joke, right? I'd rather say I'm a fanboy of nothing, though one might call me a PC fan without being too far off. To put it short: PC >>> Sony >>> Nintendo > M$ (at least right now). Anyway, all fanboys are bad but almost blindly defending Wii is the worst to me. This is a rather big simplification so you shouldn't take it that bad, but at least I can find good things in 360 even if I hate MS. Wii is a different case... But please remember it's a simplification; things aren't really that simple or bad.

And maybe I'm just blind, but the only thread resembling "Wii doomed" theme is the market share threat, which is basically a report instead of a "Wii doomed" thread. Of course it might simply be that I'm not even opening threads that don't seem interesting (includes threads that sound completely ridiculous), I don't exactly browser the forums (I look at whatever's on the front page), and I don't spend too much time on VG Chartz despite checking it several times a day. Yeah, maybe there have been "Wii is doomed" thread but most likely they've seemed too ridiculous for me to even have a better look at them.