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sega4life said:

Dupde thread and sales threads really count as "Wii is doomed" ?

When the threads are about the Wii being doomed? Yes. And the duplication part makes them even more tiresome, as they're literally the exact same conversation repeated in triplicate! Try and tell me that's not annoying, I dare ya.

sega4life said:

The thread talks as if this has been going on for weeks..

noname2200 said:

It'd be more if I went back a day further. Even more if I went two days further. Even more if I...

I'd also like to ask if you and I are really visiting the same forum or not...

I mean we have those by the truck load about PS3, 360, every weeks sales come out...

Quite true, and so people have made threads similar to this one for those systems too. Shoot, BengaBenga even made an official one for the Playstation trolling. So what's your point, exactly?