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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Awesome interview: nintendo'a approach to core gamer

theprof00 said:
I agree with both rol and dib8r that it is complex and doesn't really in any way make sense.
But the whole train of thought came from these "solutions to core gamers", and he was asking something like "why did you guys do this? to help keep core happy?"
And she was like "core is already happy"

And yes, core is a hindsight term, and wiifit is core now i believe, but I think she knew what he was talking about.
That's why she listed those games conduit, gta, and the other one. gta isn't even coming to wii though.
I just disagree.
But, I see where you are coming from. I think N is getting more suited to my tastes as the days roll on. But they still have a way to go.

She used logical trickery and caught the interviewer flatfooted.

She essentially provided the terms of the debate - a game played by core gamer is a core game - and at that point he was screwed. Had the interviewer been on the ball, he would have noted that a core game is one played almost exclusively by traditional gamers.


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I though she did a great job. I am tired of snobish videogame journalists. Other RP would say something ambiguous but she counterattacked. Way to go denise! ^_^

misterd said:
theprof00 said:
I agree with both rol and dib8r that it is complex and doesn't really in any way make sense.
But the whole train of thought came from these "solutions to core gamers", and he was asking something like "why did you guys do this? to help keep core happy?"
And she was like "core is already happy"

And yes, core is a hindsight term, and wiifit is core now i believe, but I think she knew what he was talking about.
That's why she listed those games conduit, gta, and the other one. gta isn't even coming to wii though.
I just disagree.
But, I see where you are coming from. I think N is getting more suited to my tastes as the days roll on. But they still have a way to go.

She used logical trickery and caught the interviewer flatfooted.

She essentially provided the terms of the debate - a game played by core gamer is a core game - and at that point he was screwed. Had the interviewer been on the ball, he would have noted that a core game is one played almost exclusively by traditional gamers.


Mario, Pokemon, Pheonix Wright, Professor Layton, Mario kart, etc. aren't core?

Damn I'm too casual.


I've seen a lot of casual or even non-gamers play Halo a lot, but I'm not even going to touch that with a ten foot pole. I know how the fanboys will respondz!


RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
failure in the interviewer for not pursuing the path of the original IP core games. He was going good for a while, then she got defensive, and he backed off.

Looked like a lot of bullshit to me, dodging the issues and re-defining what some key words were in order to help her point go down smoothly.

No, it was good that he didn't continue. By using more and more qualifiers he would have looked like a whiny cry baby that is desperate to yell: "You don't care for us, Nintendo!"

It's also admirable for a gaming journalist to admit that the core can never be satisfied.

I think it's already been pointed out in another thread that the DS and PS360 core seem pretty satisfied so core can be satisfied..

Microsoft gave their core Gears 2,Fable 2 and Halo wars among others things these holydays and have Mass Effect 2 and Alan Wake coming.

Sony gave them LBP, KZ2, Resistance 2 and have Uncharted 2 and Ratchett and Clank on the way as well as games like GoW3 and GT5. All games you would expect to get as a core HD customer owner...

DS is getting Zelda...

And Nintendo gave their Wii core AC and Wii Music and won't say what else is on the way...


And no the whole discussion isn't about third parties but first/second parties, an area where the Wii has no disadvantage in term of support...

One thing that seem to be happening ( maybe I am wrong) is that the Wii has expanded Nintendo audience and the new audience has diverse tastes but Nintendo doesn't seem to have expanded the size of their development teams to be able to satisfy everyone in some way...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
failure in the interviewer for not pursuing the path of the original IP core games. He was going good for a while, then she got defensive, and he backed off.

Looked like a lot of bullshit to me, dodging the issues and re-defining what some key words were in order to help her point go down smoothly.

No, it was good that he didn't continue. By using more and more qualifiers he would have looked like a whiny cry baby that is desperate to yell: "You don't care for us, Nintendo!"

It's also admirable for a gaming journalist to admit that the core can never be satisfied.

I think it's already been pointed out in another thread that the DS and PS360 core seem pretty satisfied so core can be satisfied..

Microsoft gave their core Gears 2,Fable 2 and Halo wars among others things these holydays and have Mass Effect 2 and Alan Wake coming.

Sony gave them LBP, KZ2, Resistance 2 and have Uncharted 2 and Ratchett and Clank on the way as well as games like GoW3 and GT5. All games you would expect to get as a core HD customer owner...

DS is getting Zelda...

And Nintendo gave their Wii core AC and Wii Music and won't say what else is on the way...


And no the whole discussion isn't about third parties but first/second parties, an area where the Wii has no disadvantage in term of support...

One thing that seem to be happening ( maybe I am wrong) is that the Wii has expanded Nintendo audience and the new audience has diverse tastes but Nintendo doesn't seem to have expanded the size of their development teams to be able to satisfy everyone in some way...

*shakes head* So close and so far, ail...better luck next time.




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I agree with Rol. And I actually enjoyed the interview.

Nintendo, as of late, hasnt been one to reveal much unless they make a conference about it (such as GDC). So i'm not sure why some of
you are surprised by the interview's lack of imperatative information.

She was right to state that the core gamer is never satisfied.

Does she miscalculate?

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy

could not read the whole thing, insatiably boring

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that whole wii music/AC fiasco is eaqsily explained.

nintendo needed to supply third partys with a large userbase and so to do so they released a ton of major frnachises much quickly then they otherwise would have done. theyve said so themseles.

by not pacing out those release they basically left themselves with a massive recharge time. even animal crossing was finished way before released and delayed to pad out the 08 holiday.

its only now are we starting to see nintendo's second wave of games. monster, NLG and headstrong will release/have released their 2nd wii exclusive (although the latters was published by sega).

as such i expect to see nintendo EADs and retros 2nd games shortly. not only that but nintendo is also teaming up with more third party dev like treasure, gaia, sandlot ect to bring more core games. with so many franchises already released a new focus on very old ip/ new IP seems to be on the cards

the nintendo hates the core argument is illogical. punchout, excitebots and S&P2 are all games for the core that were in development the whole time. we just didnt know about it

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


I just met Denise Kaigler Saturday night (I'll make a thread about it in a bit). I think Joystiq's assessment of "sass and smiles" is pretty spot on. I also asked her a question and got shut down.

I thought this interview was great, especially when she pointed out that he was trying to start an impossible argument that she couldn't win, with the qualifier-changing.