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theprof00 said:
I agree with both rol and dib8r that it is complex and doesn't really in any way make sense.
But the whole train of thought came from these "solutions to core gamers", and he was asking something like "why did you guys do this? to help keep core happy?"
And she was like "core is already happy"

And yes, core is a hindsight term, and wiifit is core now i believe, but I think she knew what he was talking about.
That's why she listed those games conduit, gta, and the other one. gta isn't even coming to wii though.
I just disagree.
But, I see where you are coming from. I think N is getting more suited to my tastes as the days roll on. But they still have a way to go.

She used logical trickery and caught the interviewer flatfooted.

She essentially provided the terms of the debate - a game played by core gamer is a core game - and at that point he was screwed. Had the interviewer been on the ball, he would have noted that a core game is one played almost exclusively by traditional gamers.