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Ail said:
RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
failure in the interviewer for not pursuing the path of the original IP core games. He was going good for a while, then she got defensive, and he backed off.

Looked like a lot of bullshit to me, dodging the issues and re-defining what some key words were in order to help her point go down smoothly.

No, it was good that he didn't continue. By using more and more qualifiers he would have looked like a whiny cry baby that is desperate to yell: "You don't care for us, Nintendo!"

It's also admirable for a gaming journalist to admit that the core can never be satisfied.

I think it's already been pointed out in another thread that the DS and PS360 core seem pretty satisfied so core can be satisfied..

Microsoft gave their core Gears 2,Fable 2 and Halo wars among others things these holydays and have Mass Effect 2 and Alan Wake coming.

Sony gave them LBP, KZ2, Resistance 2 and have Uncharted 2 and Ratchett and Clank on the way as well as games like GoW3 and GT5. All games you would expect to get as a core HD customer owner...

DS is getting Zelda...

And Nintendo gave their Wii core AC and Wii Music and won't say what else is on the way...


And no the whole discussion isn't about third parties but first/second parties, an area where the Wii has no disadvantage in term of support...

One thing that seem to be happening ( maybe I am wrong) is that the Wii has expanded Nintendo audience and the new audience has diverse tastes but Nintendo doesn't seem to have expanded the size of their development teams to be able to satisfy everyone in some way...

*shakes head* So close and so far, ail...better luck next time.