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that whole wii music/AC fiasco is eaqsily explained.

nintendo needed to supply third partys with a large userbase and so to do so they released a ton of major frnachises much quickly then they otherwise would have done. theyve said so themseles.

by not pacing out those release they basically left themselves with a massive recharge time. even animal crossing was finished way before released and delayed to pad out the 08 holiday.

its only now are we starting to see nintendo's second wave of games. monster, NLG and headstrong will release/have released their 2nd wii exclusive (although the latters was published by sega).

as such i expect to see nintendo EADs and retros 2nd games shortly. not only that but nintendo is also teaming up with more third party dev like treasure, gaia, sandlot ect to bring more core games. with so many franchises already released a new focus on very old ip/ new IP seems to be on the cards

the nintendo hates the core argument is illogical. punchout, excitebots and S&P2 are all games for the core that were in development the whole time. we just didnt know about it

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia