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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Awesome interview: nintendo'a approach to core gamer

did he just say GTA coming to Wii? or did he mean GTA: CTW?

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Ok, after reading the whole thing, the interviewer is just as depressing.

At one pointed I just wanted to walk away and think a little, I'm sure I lost something in my head... but I can still move my fingers and toes...

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Where the F is my F-Zero?  The interview could have been a lot better.  The questions and answers were pretty much average at best sometimes very bad.  I wish someone would actually do a decent interview for a change.

RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
failure in the interviewer for not pursuing the path of the original IP core games. He was going good for a while, then she got defensive, and he backed off.

Looked like a lot of bullshit to me, dodging the issues and re-defining what some key words were in order to help her point go down smoothly.

No, it was good that he didn't continue. By using more and more qualifiers he would have looked like a whiny cry baby that is desperate to yell: "You don't care for us, Nintendo!"

It's also admirable for a gaming journalist to admit that the core can never be satisfied.

I don't think qualifiers is the right term. Avenues is more like it. He was pursuing a different avenue that she didn't want to talk about.


As far as core original IP games (as defined by the gamers) what is there?
I don't think there were too many qualifiers on that question, although she tried to make it look that way.

She is the one the broadened the definitino in the first place to include something that she knew he wasn't talking about in the first place. When he tried to narrow the scope because she wasn't answering the question, she made it look like he was putting restrictions on it and he totally wasn't.

He asked what nintendo was doing about core. She responded with games not made by nintendo. He said, "no, what is nintendo doing". She said punchout. He said "no, what NEW games are we getting" and she tried to respond with wiifit. She really didn't have anything. That's how I feel about that.

I understand if you disagree, it does look like he is putting restrictions on it. I just think she interpreted the questions the way she wanted to.


PS: It doesn't take much to satiate a core gamer.


 talk about.

For anyone that doesn't understand what I'm talking about, here is a metaphor that may or may not be a complete failure.

How's my health doc?
Great, not a problem.
What about my arms?
First of all, I am going to call them graspers, they grasp stuff right?
Well, my hands grasp things...
But your arms can too, in a headlock kind of grasp, right? And you have your fingers, and wrist, and shoulder. They can all grasp right?
Oh, .....well I guess...
See!? Thank you for admitting that btw.
umm ok..? But what about my right arm, there is a kind of shooting pain.
In your graspers?
No, in my upper bicep area..
Like I said, your graspers are fine.
Are you talking about my hands or arms or what?
I'm talking about your graspers!
But Doctor, look! It appears this hand is a slightly too small lobster claw! What did you do to me?!?
Your graspers are fine! END OF DISCUSSION!


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it is just like how she lumped gta in with the other games. That is what I'm talking about, and I can't believe it's so hard to see.

Lol, core is not hardcore.

Core represents a hindsight term used to contain the value of a certain type of games potential sales.

Hardcore refers to gamers who understand games

Core in that sense means that 5 million units sold for M&S means that M&S is a core game, while 400k sold for NMH means NMH's is a core game and that's all they are all core games.

What does this mean? It means using the term "core games" is idiotic, because game's can't be core; that is all she had to say to begin with and I'd of loved the idiocy of the interviewer.

NMH numbers only show that it is a niche title when compared to M&S.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

How would she take Reggie on at Zelda? Aren't those games primarily single player?

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I agree with both rol and dib8r that it is complex and doesn't really in any way make sense.
But the whole train of thought came from these "solutions to core gamers", and he was asking something like "why did you guys do this? to help keep core happy?"
And she was like "core is already happy"

And yes, core is a hindsight term, and wiifit is core now i believe, but I think she knew what he was talking about.
That's why she listed those games conduit, gta, and the other one. gta isn't even coming to wii though.
I just disagree.
But, I see where you are coming from. I think N is getting more suited to my tastes as the days roll on. But they still have a way to go.

She did quite well, cutting them off like that. Though i'll grant that Joystiq is nicer than other outlets, so they were more willing to go with her than others might have been. Plus joystiq didn't pursue the more futile avenues for too long, focusing on things they knew they could get straight answers on


Both sides performed admirably, simply put.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.