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 talk about.

For anyone that doesn't understand what I'm talking about, here is a metaphor that may or may not be a complete failure.

How's my health doc?
Great, not a problem.
What about my arms?
First of all, I am going to call them graspers, they grasp stuff right?
Well, my hands grasp things...
But your arms can too, in a headlock kind of grasp, right? And you have your fingers, and wrist, and shoulder. They can all grasp right?
Oh, .....well I guess...
See!? Thank you for admitting that btw.
umm ok..? But what about my right arm, there is a kind of shooting pain.
In your graspers?
No, in my upper bicep area..
Like I said, your graspers are fine.
Are you talking about my hands or arms or what?
I'm talking about your graspers!
But Doctor, look! It appears this hand is a slightly too small lobster claw! What did you do to me?!?
Your graspers are fine! END OF DISCUSSION!