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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:

Not low interest, less interest. I bought a DS instead of a PSP because the DS held a higher interest level for me at the time, but that's not a qualitative statement about the PSP.

It's not that the game is not good enough - it's simply that other games present themselves as being of greater interest. My default position is that if I had infinite time and infinite money I would probably play every single game that's ever been produced, because I feel I would be enriched by the experience.

And no, you're still wrong. I have never passed judgment on a game I haven't played. Doing so would be foolish, and you are partaking in foolish behavior when you say a game is crap when you haven't had the opportunity to play it. That's all there is.

So what games DONT you like? ones that you HAVE played?

Take that game and look at it. Think about what you hate most about it.

Ok, now pretend the company that made THAT game made a complete remake of it.

It is ludicrous for you to insinuate that you "think" this game can be good (to you) after you find out it is a exact duplicate of a game you despise.

You would have to have althiemers to forget of the horrible memories that game gave you, and want to REpurchase it.

You are confusing the issue. If I didn't like a game the first time, chances are good I will not like it the second time, but almost no games are like that unless they are specifically remakes. Don't come at me with this Reducto Ad Absurdum crap.

I am talking about new games, which I have never played. Making a judgment about them before I play them would be foolish, because I am potentially depriving myself of something awesome.

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Thread summary:

Scorned fanboy makes inflammatory thread to push his agenda, trashtalking of square enix ensues, kazs gets going to save the thread and the good guys spread common sense.

Now on topic - it's painfully obvious some of you haven't been gaming for long.

Anyways, just reiterating so it sinks: Square Enix main efforts are on the handhelds. Are you a SE fan? get a DS and a PSP for the price of a ps3 or a fully kitted 360 and enjoy their games. 

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Onyxmeth said:
Garamond said:
Square-Enix has realized they can't make good games anymore so their just using the DS and PSP to remake or re-release their good old games.

But they want you to buy their bad games too.

And their old games you may already have.

They like money.


Crisis Core:Great
The World Ends With You:OK
Sigma Harmonics
Arkanoid DS
Space Invaders Extreme
The Legend of Kage 2
Chocobo Tales
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift:Great
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Since you may have forgotten these games exist, I thought I would give you a healthy reminder.

and the rest either didn't interest me in the slightest or looked like rubbish.

Are you also passing judgement on games you have never played?


I dont have to play 50 cent Blood on the Sand to know that it's garbage. Same goes for any other game. Is it not true that one of a game's main objectives is to attract the audience to play it in the first place?

A FPS fan doesn't need to play an RPG to know that he doesn't like one. or vice versa.Why is this that different?

All that is needed to make a proper judgement on a game is a little bit of research on it to formulate your opinion on it.

And I have played FFXII:RW.......still hate it. Same goes for Space Invaders.

Oh the irony. One of my XBL friends, who isn't a fan of 50 Cent, was telling me how good that game is. Which brings me to the story, you can't truly know a game is garbage without giving it a shot.

I don't like card based RPGs. You'd think I'd hate Baten Kaitos but I actually enjoyed both games. The first one was flawed although surprising good. The second was superb thanks them stream lining the battle system and Nintendo localizing the game with competent voice actors. On the other hand on paper I should think Oblivion is excellent, I really enjoyed Morrowind. I didn't like Oblivion however, I found it boring. Final Fantasy X is a game I shouldn't have liked based on assumption. I'm not a Nomura/Kitase fan when it comes to Final Fantasy games but FFX is one of my favorites in the series. No one is omnipotent. You don't know what you feel about something unless you actually try it.

Khuutra said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:

For all I know, it's a sleeper hit of the year.

Metacritic says it's average to good, not "epically terrible". I don't trust them either, of course.

I would have to play it myself.

I call BS!

If all games are on equal footing with you, then how the hell do you decide what your next purchase will be?

Concepts I find interesting, or building off of ideas I already know I like. If I just stuck to my narrow band of present experience and didn't try out new things, why, I'd barely get to have new experiences at all.

so there IS indeed criteria.

So what do you call games that do not interest you? Sounds like you research what games you are interested in like  every other Hardcore gamer. What about those games you deem not suitable to your tastes? Is it not because you do not like the premise of the game, in turn, do not like the game itself?

Very, very, very few games are not suitable to my tastes, because I play games to experience them. My tastes and my preferences are wide and far-reaching and they grow every time I partake in a new experience.

But I don't have infinite money.

Almost all games interest me to some degree, some just interest me less than others.

And there is a difference between saying "I am not going to buy that" and "That game is garbage". Do not confuse the issue. I have never made a qualitative value judgment on a game I haven't played. In not playing it, I give up the right to do that.

Feel the same for what it's worth.


Wow, this thread is still going?

Guys, the games don't seem to have the same charm they used to (for me anyways) and generate that same excitement they used to, but they are not really "bad" games. Take The Last Remnant for example.

SaGa Team is the best.

I loathe those in this thread who said they make no good games. They make some awesome battle systems.

Pick it up, install it on the 360 HDD and give it a try sometime.

I agree with Onyxmeth's point though. DS and PSP are where you may end up needing to go if you want your "quality" JRPG titles. Now if they would just hurry up already so I can play Sigma Harmonics. Possibly even another game like TWEWY.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Gee the PS3 is:

_ a money syphon for developpers

_ last in the console race and poised to stay as such

_ still way too expensive for the average customer after 3 years

and people wonder why Square is trying to jump ship?

The real question is why X360 and not Wii.... (answer would be because they based their whole creativity into graphics these past few years and well that is what they deliver now...)


Last Remnant sucked balls , YES!! i own a 360 and it was a dissapointing product that SE threw up on the 360 in less then a year
Did you even read the OP we are talkin about the crapped ass games theyve been making not wheter or not we have the time to play a new game every day .......then again you DO do reviews  dont ya ??!! Why dont you review every SE game that has come out since XII MR "Dont pass judgement on games you never played " and tell us of how wonderful these rushed watered down games are.

*EDIT* and dont use my library as an excuse for anything, i have over 300 games and its a pain to update

hatmoza 2.0 said:

Last Remnant sucked balls , YES!! i own a 360 and it was a dissapointing product that SE threw up on the 360 in less then a year
Did you even read the OP we are talkin about the crapped ass games theyve been making not wheter or not we have the time to play a new game every day .......then again you DO do reviews  dont ya ??!! Why dont you review every SE game that has come out since XII MR "Dont pass judgement on games you never played " and tell us of how wonderful these rushed watered down games are.

*EDIT* and dont use my library as an excuse for anything, i have over 300 games and its a pain to update

I don't review them because I haven't played them. Clearly.

I'm not even arguing about the quality of these games. I'm saying that one cannot judge them without playing them. That's the whole of it.

Hephaestos said:

The real question is why X360 and not Wii.... (answer would be because they based their whole creativity into graphics these past few years and well that is what they deliver now...)


Because all SE games released so far probably were green-lighted at least two-three years ago, before anyone knew wether the Wii streak would last or not.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Kasz216 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
THose who think SE is failing this Gen...
hatmoza 2.0
BMaker 11
loud hot white box
serious frustrating

Those who think Im just a fanboy on a rant and none of us know what we are talking about...

Well you just missed 2 other people who agreed...

and the first 6 people you listed were sony fanboys....

and this is in the sony discussion thread.

I may as well ask whether or not the American revolution was justified in a UK classroom and claim that's popular opinion.


It's actually the first 8 people.