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forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Onyxmeth said:
Garamond said:
Square-Enix has realized they can't make good games anymore so their just using the DS and PSP to remake or re-release their good old games.

But they want you to buy their bad games too.

And their old games you may already have.

They like money.


Crisis Core:Great
The World Ends With You:OK
Sigma Harmonics
Arkanoid DS
Space Invaders Extreme
The Legend of Kage 2
Chocobo Tales
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift:Great
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Since you may have forgotten these games exist, I thought I would give you a healthy reminder.

and the rest either didn't interest me in the slightest or looked like rubbish.

Are you also passing judgement on games you have never played?


I dont have to play 50 cent Blood on the Sand to know that it's garbage. Same goes for any other game. Is it not true that one of a game's main objectives is to attract the audience to play it in the first place?

A FPS fan doesn't need to play an RPG to know that he doesn't like one. or vice versa.Why is this that different?

All that is needed to make a proper judgement on a game is a little bit of research on it to formulate your opinion on it.

And I have played FFXII:RW.......still hate it. Same goes for Space Invaders.

Oh the irony. One of my XBL friends, who isn't a fan of 50 Cent, was telling me how good that game is. Which brings me to the story, you can't truly know a game is garbage without giving it a shot.

I don't like card based RPGs. You'd think I'd hate Baten Kaitos but I actually enjoyed both games. The first one was flawed although surprising good. The second was superb thanks them stream lining the battle system and Nintendo localizing the game with competent voice actors. On the other hand on paper I should think Oblivion is excellent, I really enjoyed Morrowind. I didn't like Oblivion however, I found it boring. Final Fantasy X is a game I shouldn't have liked based on assumption. I'm not a Nomura/Kitase fan when it comes to Final Fantasy games but FFX is one of my favorites in the series. No one is omnipotent. You don't know what you feel about something unless you actually try it.