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Khuutra said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:

For all I know, it's a sleeper hit of the year.

Metacritic says it's average to good, not "epically terrible". I don't trust them either, of course.

I would have to play it myself.

I call BS!

If all games are on equal footing with you, then how the hell do you decide what your next purchase will be?

Concepts I find interesting, or building off of ideas I already know I like. If I just stuck to my narrow band of present experience and didn't try out new things, why, I'd barely get to have new experiences at all.

so there IS indeed criteria.

So what do you call games that do not interest you? Sounds like you research what games you are interested in like  every other Hardcore gamer. What about those games you deem not suitable to your tastes? Is it not because you do not like the premise of the game, in turn, do not like the game itself?

Very, very, very few games are not suitable to my tastes, because I play games to experience them. My tastes and my preferences are wide and far-reaching and they grow every time I partake in a new experience.

But I don't have infinite money.

Almost all games interest me to some degree, some just interest me less than others.

And there is a difference between saying "I am not going to buy that" and "That game is garbage". Do not confuse the issue. I have never made a qualitative value judgment on a game I haven't played. In not playing it, I give up the right to do that.

Feel the same for what it's worth.