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forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:

Not low interest, less interest. I bought a DS instead of a PSP because the DS held a higher interest level for me at the time, but that's not a qualitative statement about the PSP.

It's not that the game is not good enough - it's simply that other games present themselves as being of greater interest. My default position is that if I had infinite time and infinite money I would probably play every single game that's ever been produced, because I feel I would be enriched by the experience.

And no, you're still wrong. I have never passed judgment on a game I haven't played. Doing so would be foolish, and you are partaking in foolish behavior when you say a game is crap when you haven't had the opportunity to play it. That's all there is.

So what games DONT you like? ones that you HAVE played?

Take that game and look at it. Think about what you hate most about it.

Ok, now pretend the company that made THAT game made a complete remake of it.

It is ludicrous for you to insinuate that you "think" this game can be good (to you) after you find out it is a exact duplicate of a game you despise.

You would have to have althiemers to forget of the horrible memories that game gave you, and want to REpurchase it.

You are confusing the issue. If I didn't like a game the first time, chances are good I will not like it the second time, but almost no games are like that unless they are specifically remakes. Don't come at me with this Reducto Ad Absurdum crap.

I am talking about new games, which I have never played. Making a judgment about them before I play them would be foolish, because I am potentially depriving myself of something awesome.