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hatmoza 2.0 said:

Last Remnant sucked balls , YES!! i own a 360 and it was a dissapointing product that SE threw up on the 360 in less then a year
Did you even read the OP we are talkin about the crapped ass games theyve been making not wheter or not we have the time to play a new game every day .......then again you DO do reviews  dont ya ??!! Why dont you review every SE game that has come out since XII MR "Dont pass judgement on games you never played " and tell us of how wonderful these rushed watered down games are.

*EDIT* and dont use my library as an excuse for anything, i have over 300 games and its a pain to update

I don't review them because I haven't played them. Clearly.

I'm not even arguing about the quality of these games. I'm saying that one cannot judge them without playing them. That's the whole of it.