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Forums - Website Topics - Whoa, Nintendo fanboys are taking over Ps and Xbox fanboys.

@ Rol.
I now see your point

Im going from numerous sites. Agreed though that THIS site hosts a LOT of PS3 fanboys.


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RolStoppable said:
Carl2291 said:
lol @ Rol.

Ninty fanboys have overtaken PS fanboys... they still have a while to go though until they reach the dreaded 360 fanboys, just think... going at war with 12 year old screaming kids on Halo, ouch.

You should read the pages he linked to. It seems like he is upset that Nintendo fans counter trolling with good arguments which caused him to call the PS3 a PoS because sarcasm seemed to be the only way for him to respond.


ERargagrgagrArarggghhh...This is so basic stuf.

I just wanted him to answer to that question so he cdouldn't use my words against me..



Take my love, take my land..

Until the poll that says LBP will be the best selling holiday 2008 game in its lifetime gets taken down... I will continue to believe that this site has majority of ps3 fanbase.


Zucas said:
outlawauron said:
Where have you been? VGC has always had more Nintendo fanboys than anything else.

Used to but not anymore.  For quite sometime, PS fanboys have pretty much taken over the ninty fanboys.  It's no surprise that for the last year its been pretty much Sony games dominating the top 10 list on most popular.

Come on, I gave a funnier response a little ways up.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.