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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are PS2 owners migrating to Xbox 360 instead of PS3?

I migrated to the Xbox after PS1

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Barozi said:
Well I do believe that more of the hardcore PS2 owners moved to the 360, while the Wii is getting the casual PS2 crowd



I also agree with him. I only have one friend that bought a PS3 instead of a xbox 360.

More people need to migrate to 360.

Not a 360 fanboy, just a PS3 fanboy hater that likes putting them in their place ^.^

In NA, likely. In EU and Japan, nope.


Okay, and who are buying PS3's? Housewifes?

Typicall PS2 franchises like Tomb Raider or Devil May Cry, Pro evo, Fifa and Resident Evil still do better on the PS3 than on the Xbox 360, J-rpg's whose fanbase was on the PS1 and PS2 don't sell on the Xbox 360, and an hardcore game like MGS4 did similar numbers to MGS3 on the PS2, so I think that the hardcore PS2 owner is mostly moving to the PS3. Here in Spain, it's pretty much a fact.

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First off, I'm talking about NA, not WW.

Interesting and it makes sense, though Greenberg is just stirring the pot, if you ask me.

Think about it - without BC, why should a PS2 owner graduate to a PS3? Loyalty? The U.S. looks at the best deal - and for an HD console, it's the 360. Yeah, the PS3 offers Blu Ray and even free online, but folks are looking at a couple things this gen - price and value. The casual PS2 owner sees the Wii as being the next step up. The more hardcore types see the 360 as being the best value, plus has some BC with Xbox games AND offers tons of things on LIVE, such as Netflix, exclusive content and the like.

A price cut is the only thing to save the PS3 in NA. And even then, will the momentum be sustained?

Um, yeah, last time I checked, people who have PS2's, still play their PS2.


SlumsofOhio said:
Um, yeah, last time I checked, people who have PS2's, still play their PS2.

I have a PS2 and it has given up the ghost - twice. This time, it's not coming back. Fortunately, I have a PS3 with full BC. Otherwise, I'd just toss my PS2 or sell it and the games on craigslist.


I'm not so sure actually...

Looking at the sales trend of yearly sports game, when the PS2 numbers drop yoy the PS3 version seems to go up the most.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

Since when anything Greenberg says has any weight, reason or importance?