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First off, I'm talking about NA, not WW.

Interesting and it makes sense, though Greenberg is just stirring the pot, if you ask me.

Think about it - without BC, why should a PS2 owner graduate to a PS3? Loyalty? The U.S. looks at the best deal - and for an HD console, it's the 360. Yeah, the PS3 offers Blu Ray and even free online, but folks are looking at a couple things this gen - price and value. The casual PS2 owner sees the Wii as being the next step up. The more hardcore types see the 360 as being the best value, plus has some BC with Xbox games AND offers tons of things on LIVE, such as Netflix, exclusive content and the like.

A price cut is the only thing to save the PS3 in NA. And even then, will the momentum be sustained?