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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are PS2 owners migrating to Xbox 360 instead of PS3?

MS says yes,they are...because it`s cheaper (obvious):

"The PlayStation business is "haemorrhaging" at retail, partly because PS2 owners are migrating to Xbox 360 instead of PlayStation 3, Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg has claimed.

In an unprecedented verbal assault on PlayStation, the Xbox 360 product management director has claimed that Sony's entire console business is in "decline" and it "just keeps getting worse".

"You can't underestimate that we're half the price of the PS3 at a time when consumers were looking for great value," Greenburg told Gamasutra. "The PS3 was down in February two percent even with the launch of Killzone 2 -- that's months of year-over-year declines. Xbox continues to head north while the PS3 is heading south. We're gaining share.

"But what we hear from our partners is that it's not just PS3, it's also PS2 down 62 percent year over year," he continued. "With that business declining, and with the PS3 business declining, it's been described to me as haemorrhaging at retail right now, and it just keeps getting worse.

"What we're finding in our research is that a large portion of the volume we're driving with Xbox 360 purchasers is actually PS2 owners choosing Xbox for the next generation. We're switching people from the PlayStation brand over to the Xbox brand."

Greenberg's notes that brands formerly associated with PlayStation, such as Resident Evil, are now also available on Xbox. The Xbox 360 version of Street Fighter IV also outsold its PlayStation 3 counterpart in February, he said.

"We're hearing the same early returns for Resident Evil. Not only is [Resident Evil 5] selling more, but we did a limited edition Elite bundle with that as well -- so we've obviously benefited from having this deep partnership with Capcom, and we're excited to have the Resident Evil franchise for the first time ever on our platform."

"That follows in the steps of [franchises like] Grand Theft Auto -- and we all know Final Fantasy is coming -- that have been historically associated with PlayStation."


So...what about you? Do you agree? Let the comments begin.

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wow i think M$ needs to stop shit talking sony and start working on the real problem Nintendo.

Long Live SHIO!

It's been happening for quite some time indeed. The vast userbase of the ps2 is being tapped both by Nintendo and Microsoft.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

yeah i agree with him, i have freinds thAt had a ps2, but then went to the xbox 360.

I migrated to the ps3 but now...i guess ive followed the supposed trend

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Well I do believe that more of the hardcore PS2 owners moved to the 360, while the Wii is getting the casual PS2 crowd

no, we do not accept ''ps2 users'' in our tribe... LOL...well,quantify users is very difficult to do.the only thing I can add, is that the enthusiasm with 360 is very diferent in  this generation....


 Sony is not losing members, the balance is simply unstoppable baby....




''Halo reach''.. sell 7.m first week ,Believe¡¡¡¡¡¡







Make sense, since it is the cheaper HD console on the market and since the ps2 users have a wide range of games and so the xbox360, the only thing that impress me in ps3 is the quality of their exclusives like LBP, uncharted and the metal gear solid and maybe kz2, fantastic games... But overall I still prefer the 360! Nway both of them offer value for money in different ways!!!

PS2 users are primarily migrating to the Wii, then Xbox 360.

colonelstubbs said:
I migrated to the ps3 but now...i guess ive followed the supposed trend


I have a PS3 and PC.... I guess I'm screwed....